Hmmm the blue borders on both
the top and bottom really kill the wallie's look.
The clouds are very nice but I think
its too much and over crowds the scan...
I dunno, I don't think it's your best :\
Hello Everyone! XD
Sorry about dissapearing ya. I have to many classes, but I'm back working on two painted wallies as we speak and finally relaxing now that I got winter break finally X-P. I made this some time last week while doing my Graphics final project for Pictorial Comp class. I hope everyone is great. I'll be on msn soon! I love you all.
This was a fun wall, I only done like one cloud wallie, and i was going thru photobucket lookin for a avy to use for msn and saw a wall of clouds and I was like wow pretty. So i did one as well. I used a brush I made and another cloud brush, over lapped, BLENDED so darn much, added dark colors and sparkles to it. Took awhile actually but so much fun, I love this scan it's so bubbly fun just like clouds seem to me. I hope it's okay. I made it widescreen but made it bigger for those like me who don't have widescreen, you can crop it to fit your widescreen if you have one, if not just message me for one please ^-^.
Have a great night, its almost 2am ( i was playing on myspace) hehe. I'm off to bed and probably sounding crazy exicted huh XD. *HUGS TO ALL*.
love ya,
~* Lacus *~
Comments and Favs are always Welcomed!
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Hmmm the blue borders on both
the top and bottom really kill the wallie's look.
The clouds are very nice but I think
its too much and over crowds the scan...
I dunno, I don't think it's your best :\
i love the dreamy effect!~ but i think as kitten says the border looks not quite right!~
much better if you left it as it is!~ but other than that yup!~ lovely wall!~
yup border >.<
the rest of the wall is nice
The borders should be killed.
I like the clouds, they look really cool.
Keep it up
I just luv wallies with this theme! XD
Prettie job with the clouds, sky and colors! ^.~
+favs and keep with the good work ;)
Hehe you're backk! :)
Nice wallie love the colours very much! The sky is beautiful! Think it's a bit overcrowded but nice anyways!
One thing I love about this wall the most are the beautiful and gorgeous clouds *__*
Nice work, looks great :)
The BG and the image, yeap, hope to see your next wallie :)
Nice paper. maybe there could have been less clouds but at least there is engough blue sky appearing from the back to break them apart.
Splendide rien a dire c'est vraiment tr
Pretty cute! And I love the cloudy sky background!
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