
Lelouch of the Rebellion Wallpaper: Be your girl

Takahiro Kimura, Sunrise (Studio), Lelouch of the Rebellion, Euphemia Li Britannia, Suzaku Kururugi Wallpaper

1920x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

DEDICATED TO sinever, eevaleena, kitten HOPE YOU LIKE IT... :)
About it:
This is composition of three different vectors...
Lines are tiny, neat and little blurry giving much better effect.
Coloring was the most interesting part...why? because their colors was very different in he all scans... ^_^'
Suzaku(30 layers): not that easy for doing using the though that i have vectored him two times...this time worked...when I started first time i was thinking of giving up and deleted it and about month ago started doing it again...it took me so long because I wasn't home at all..and when I came back I was playing games...typical for me...lol
Euphie(20 layers): i started her 2 weeks ago and as i finished Suzaku her colors from the scan wasn't matching with hers and so I had to make her colors look similar to his, make eyes in the same stile and make lines be like the ones on Suzaku. OX
Background: As you all can notice I have vectored all the building adding some trees and clouds making perfect combination...I absolutely like it even it could be better, but it took me 3 days to make it and only building have 86 layers...still I really like it...
In the end it seamed to me like they were quite simple so i used gradient stile...it seams perfect...don't you think?
If there are mistakes please tell me....I'm not afraid of being criticized...it makes me improve.
Name for the wallpaper is used from the ending song of elfen lied :)
vector-wallers vectory colorfull-wallies celestial-luminesse dream-wallies free--wallers code-geass-knights wings-lovers depths-of-sound Cafe-TB

EDIT: i have repaired mistakes that you guys have told me and thanx Kit-chan for helping me so much it is also dedicated to you that is at least i can do...Thanx so much for helping me again!^__^
And Christabel92 I haven\t seen any shading's missing but anyway I added some and i hope it looks better now...

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  1. YoruAngel866 Aug 12, 2008

    it looks gorgeous, vector is lovely not to mention you using gradient, that dosent happen every day :)
    i also like combined all three pics, not to mention that all vectors are excellent :)
    building is a great choice not to mention trees which are beautiful :)
    i cant find anything wrong with it so excellent job
    oh btw windows are O_O

  2. EevaLeena Aug 13, 2008

    For me? Thank you! *hugs*
    Anyways... I love your vector (as usual!) and I especially love the background. You sure has patient to do that, ne?

  3. YENESIS Aug 13, 2008

    ahh is so wonderful beatiful!

  4. christabel92 Aug 13, 2008

    brises moje commnte zato sto ti se ne svidjaju?e stvarno me nerviras...covek ne sme da iskaze svoje misljenje nego mora da obozava tvoje radove,je li?i to sve radis zbog elitne...stvarno...razocarala si me jako

    merged: 08-13-2008 ~ 01:15pm
    jos se i logujes ko ja da bi brisala komente...e nece moci...

  5. Kitaan Retired Moderator Aug 13, 2008

    Theres something about the vector that makes
    me strain my eyes to look at it more, I feel like it's
    blurry a bit, like low quality. I guess it's the lines you used,
    so not much I can do, the lines are a bit messy for me and
    around Euphie's hair (on her forehead) is that a coloring mistake?
    or should that part be lighter?

    As for the back ground, it also looks blurred and from
    the shapes you used it look very basic, I think painting one
    or vectoring one with a reference would have been a better idea.
    Some parts are positioned wrong and it messes with the rest.

    The sky should be more blue, baby blue for a more
    happier look, it looks like it's about to rain there.
    And the trees are a nice touch, nice color variation.

    Overall it's a nice job, there are just somethings
    that could be fixed to make it better <3

  6. ASH-Hikari Aug 13, 2008

    Nice job here. The vector looks a bit blurry, and I know you blurred it on purpose, but since it seems you used stroke path than it really wasn't necessary, as stroke path outlines are somewhat blurry by themselves.
    I like the background the most. That building must've taken a while to vector, although the composition is a bit off and some part are a bit crooked. And the bushes are looking good too. Clouds are very stock-ish, but then again, that's what stocks are for :o
    It's obvious you put real effort into this, so keep it up ^^

  7. Sinever Aug 14, 2008

    sorry for the late comment T_T
    & thanks a lot for the dedication moon-chan *huggles*
    both Suzaku & Euphie are vectored so nicely :D
    & the bg is looking awesome XD
    you've added more details to it & the bushes at the back are looking good :)
    well done moon-chan & its a fav XD
    plus its a highlight ;)
    oh yeah before I forget finish your VK wall soon okay :nya:

  8. moonescape Aug 14, 2008

    wow I must admit you did the vector of the background very wel of that Ashford academy. o.o Really nice and well that's pretty much it I have to say ^^"

  9. Straawbeeryy Aug 16, 2008

    I can`t believe this was actually 3 scans. o.o
    The building does look a little bit off. I think the bushes are awesome. You did really well on blending 3 scans together and making it work. =D

  10. YuukixKaname Oct 04, 2008

    I really like! keep up! XD

  11. LauraLeia Oct 10, 2008

    I really like it! <3 The background is super nice, and of course Euphie and Suzaku look gorgeous as usual. ^^ Great job, keep it up!

  12. lordi-chang Oct 25, 2008

    they two are sooo cute together

  13. hawkangel Oct 26, 2008


  14. Sasuke666di Nov 16, 2008

    This picture is awesome...but...poor Ufi((( Heh...They could be so lovely couple(((

  15. yuchan29 Dec 10, 2008

    Excellent wallpaper.. they look so sweet..i like the background..i really like this wallpaper..good job ^^

  16. TomoyoYumemi Feb 04, 2009

    too many layers o_O!
    they're cute... tragic final 4 princess ;-;

  17. Aipril-chan Feb 09, 2009

    so pretty ^__^

  18. rumiko23 Mar 20, 2009

    So nice! they look very cute there! ^^

  19. hikmat Apr 20, 2009

    sweeet, thx bro.

  20. akika May 02, 2009

    I love this wallie! welll done!

  21. bychan Jun 07, 2009

    another great pic of this couple! is so cute! look Sizaku expression! so kind! is very cute!
    love it! very very nice! ~.^

  22. SkyOfFreedom Mute Member Oct 01, 2009

    This picture is awesome...

  23. 0877853165 Apr 23, 2010

    This picture is awesome! *__*

  24. legofreedom297 Mute Member Jun 25, 2010

    nice , nice , thanks for sharing.

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