I got this one totally wrong. XD
Anyways, great vector he looks really pretty, and your chalk board and writing are so superior to mine (especially the

1920x1200 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
Made this for Round 6 of the W?W contests at The Planning Board. The theme was middle/high school scenery walls.
First I vectored the pretty scan of Yunoki from his Vocal collection (scan submitted to MT by aestalitz). I decided to keep the original look of the scan, which is why some of outlines don't meet in places. I also had to re-construct his hair from another scan.
The chalkboard and chalk I created from hand using photos from sxc as reference. The wood paneling and wall texture are
stock photos from SXC.hu as well. The chalk looking text is two different fonts I found (which proved to be harder then
I would have imagined).
Basically the whole background was made using some Melencholy of Haruhi scans as reference.
Most fun: Vectoring Yunoki
Hardest: Finding reference photos of chalk boards (sheesh)
Alternate resolutions available on Daystar Design
:Edit: Uploaded a new version with fixed letters so that the N's aren't backwards anymore.
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Erdbeermilch Jul 13, 2008
MapleRose Retired Moderator Jul 13, 2008
Doh! I totally should've known the bishie wall was yours XD but somehow, the vectoring style threw me off and I thought it was by Erdbeermilch ^^;;;
Anyway, nice vectoring ^^
anit4e Jul 13, 2008
Hehehe cute wall :),and the vector looks lovely done too! XD
Wyrth01 Jul 14, 2008
Mmm... I really like it (in fact , the most I like is what is suggested ;-) ). May I know which fonts you used for the chalk? I'm really stunned, it's so realistic...
YoruAngel866 Jul 17, 2008
wow i like your outlines here,and use of textures.
gorgeous -
Sokkyosama Feb 18, 2010
Thank's for sharing such a great picture!
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