aww i love Tsukimorii ;o; but i like the other bishies too!
anyway, lovely wall ^__^
1024x768 Wallpaper
He he, my first wall with this anime.
I thought vector Ren will be hardest from Hino but it was the contrary. The hardest was to vector the violin. And
it's not perfect; gomen ;)
I hope you'll like it
Browse Kiniro no Corda Gallery: Recent | Popular.
aww i love Tsukimorii ;o; but i like the other bishies too!
anyway, lovely wall ^__^
wow its awsome
Very cute, great job! ^_^
Keep it up!
awesome wallpaper. you did a great job. i love tsukimori despite his attitude sometimes :)
Kawai~~~~ I kike it!
That's a really great picture, I love it!
it's such a cute show too!
Beautiful wallpaper. I can see where the violin would be difficult to vector. Thank you for your hardwork.
thiz waLL is veRy aweSome.........^_^
Wow! It looks so nice!
pretty i like it good job
This wallpaper is simple but it's CooL! ;)
You can improve more... just practice and practice! :)
Nice pic! Thanks for the share!
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