
Vampire Knight Wallpaper: Chi no Memorii

Matsuri Hino, Studio DEEN, Vampire Knight, Zero Kiryuu Wallpaper
Matsuri Hino Mangaka Studio DEEN Studio Vampire Knight Series Zero Kiryuu Character

2048x1536 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

edit:Thanx for elite

Indoor Entry for dark-wallies contest!
I'm planing on making outdoor entry but it will be much much later...
The main theme in this contest was blood, so i used this lovely
zero scan uploaded by our great scaner saa-chan.

Title means memories of blood and it's taken from second episode of anime. I used this title because it totally fits zero especially on this pic (and his past).
Please full view, and please fave/ comment!
I'm very proud on it and i'm really sorry if there are mistakes, but i dont believe there are, please pm me if you see one....

About vector:
dificullty: hard 9/10
my opinion:
hair was super crazy, i even though i thought it was easy...i did the colors on the scan and since i had to make dark wallie i decided to make colors darkened. i added shapes, rasterized them, blured them and made them look like a window, since theme is outdoor. i also added textures to try make it looking like rain. the red in the background is supposed to be blood. i'm not very good at making it but i'm proud, and proud, and proud, and proud.....and look at him he looks like he is on edge of breaking down! cuteness!
i would gladly suck his blood if i was vampire...

Layers :32
time: Around 15 h
funiest part:blood!
hardest part:hair
easiest part: eyes
program: Photoshop cs2
psd file size:25 mb
Scan:zero scan
vector-wallers dark-wallies vampire-knight
vectory colorfull-wallies celestial-luminesse dream-wallies free--wallers timeless--rain

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  1. bromithia Retired Moderator Apr 18, 2008

    Nice, we need some more Vampire Knight wallpapers. I like the shadow and what not. Pretty good vector, as well.

  2. dslassey Apr 18, 2008

    Nice vector-work, Yoru-chan! I really like the hair. The shadow of the window looks pretty neat.

  3. kashikosa Apr 18, 2008

    Soo fast... Hey you had it planned no fair! Lol j/k. Nice work even if I hate HinoMatsuri's works. (and believe me I tried them and not only VK) Nice darkening, nice vector. Nice wallie.

  4. temarigenius Apr 19, 2008

    You are fast XD
    Anyways, nice wallpaper~ :) Very dark and bloody X-P
    Kashikosa... How can you hate Hino-sensei's work... Hino-sensei is a genius!~

  5. Sinever Apr 19, 2008

    a VK wallpaper XD
    its looking very good but I dont like the anime pics of VK T_T
    anyways well done XD
    & kashi-chan stop saying that T_T
    you're breaking our poor hearts T_T

  6. rika23 Apr 19, 2008

    wow! i love it ;3 love the blood

  7. KiyanaIkebana Apr 19, 2008

    OMG! I love it so much! Zero is so sexy!

  8. lacus21 Apr 19, 2008

    Awesome wallpaper! Love the dark & bloody atmosphere!
    Zero look really hot! :D

  9. Idril Apr 19, 2008

    Awesome sweetie!

    Zero is my fav character! I just luv him! *o*

    Perfect! Simply perfect! +favs ^.~

  10. filo05 Apr 20, 2008

    you're really fast... anyway Zero looks hot in this wall XD I like the blood and the dark atmosphere of it, great job! :D

  11. Devilet Apr 20, 2008

    <3 Zero

    Great vectoring, and I like the perspective.

  12. trofikabinet Apr 22, 2008

    Wow! This one is amazing! *drools*
    Zero is so hot. <3
    Nice vector! and nice scan too. *Zero is mine* :D

  13. MyrrhLynn Sep 26, 2008

    Wow, I saw this scan and wasn't that impressed with it. I'd have to say the way you walled it makes this image look BETTER then the original scan did. XD I LOVE how you did the window light outline thing on his face, it looks awesome and adds a lot of interest to the wall.

  14. Powapoh Nov 25, 2008

    sexy... *lick the image*
    thx *reverence*

  15. Aiche Dec 25, 2009

    Wahhh! Zero... He is my fivorite

  16. MoonDust Mute Member Mar 16, 2010

    lovely picture.thanks for sharing.

  17. Sokkyosama Apr 26, 2010

    Thank you very much for sharing! :)

  18. amanthys Jul 06, 2010

    Thanks for sharing this wonderful image !

  19. Typetool Jul 08, 2010

    I need to start watching this anime : ) just the girls them self make me want to watch it lol---they ohh ohh my god uhhh ohhh OPPS jizzed

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