
Black Lagoon Wallpaper: Helpful In Polka Dots

Rei Hiroe, Madhouse, Black Lagoon, Frederica Sawyer Wallpaper
Rei Hiroe Mangaka Madhouse Studio Black Lagoon Series Frederica Sawyer Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Lawlz, another Sawyer the Cleaner wallpaper! :nya:

I took a totally different direction with this one. I like how this one turned out better. Now, as usual, I try to give my wallpapers meaning. This wallpaper is for all those people who are either trying to help someone who needs it, or are the people who need help, and have people there who wish to help them. Minna, which one is Sawyer, eh? Does she need assistance? Or is she trying to help? In reality, she represents the viewer. Which one are you?

For the wallpaper itsself, I tried to stick with greenish-ness because I like green. I added the polka dots to represent.... nothing. Just to make it look neat. :3 I tried to make the background dark, but colorful at the same time. I think I did pretty good with that, according to a friend. I added the text for OBVIOUS reasons, so no need to explain that.

Okay dudes and/or dudettes, I leave this wallpaper in your loving hands!

celestial-luminesse vectory vector-wallers

Enjoy, Minna!

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  1. summerose Mar 22, 2008

    O= is so awesome, I do love how you managed to make it so colorful and dark at the same time =D very cool ;)

  2. hajimemizuki Apr 10, 2008

    Love the bg,very funky.I'm speechless.

  3. rapchee Jun 05, 2008

    kinda makes me feel i should give black lagoon another shot

  4. vitaamin Oct 09, 2008

    i love this vector and the other one that is similar to this one because its really funky and awesome looking. i seriously cant do anything without shadows, but this is a prime example of something without shadowing that just looks masterful.

    i think she might nee a glow or something though to make her blend better into the background

    looking at your work inspires me to use textures but i kinda hate using textures/brushes that are not photoshops or not mine =[

  5. misterandersonnh Sep 27, 2009

    death note again

  6. abelini4 Mute Member Oct 08, 2009

    Excelent Wallpaper ^_^...

  7. mrchang42 Oct 09, 2009

    Great image. I really enjoy it. Keep up the good work:)

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