
Clannad Wallpaper: Lesson 1 | Nagisa's Studies

Kyoto Animation, Clannad, Yukine Miyazawa, Nagisa Furukawa Wallpaper
Kyoto Animation Studio Clannad Series,Visual Novel Yukine Miyazawa Character Nagisa Furukawa Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Full View~ It's purtty

For: ASH-Hikari

It's hard to extract the Clannad scans, because they
blend so well into their originally bg that the lines aren't very visible.

Started this one yesterday and finished it by noon,
I'm not a Clannad head but Hikari is and when I saw it I thought
she'd love it so I decided to make it for her.

The hardest part was the window, I've never attempted to
make a window or even go so far as to give it depth so
if the perspective is off I'm sorry and will do better next time.

The whole bg is based on of course, a classroom I wanted to
make it somewhat similar to the original scan but then I thought
to try and do it my own way which hopefully was a good choice.

The yellow part in front of Nagisa is suppose to be a desk,
for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to give it depth because it's
flat and I don't really think it needs it, hopefully I've manage it right.

Textures once again are from: DA! Desktop Anime -go visit!

and of course More Resolutions and PNG at: EDD! -home of the sweetest evil nerds~

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  1. KiyanaIkebana Feb 21, 2008

    Kawaii! This wallie is so CUTE!
    I like the background and textures! Very good work! XD

  2. ASH-Hikari Feb 21, 2008

    Omigosh for me? Thank you so so sooo much! I absolutely love it, Kitten-chan! It's adorable and so well done!
    The extraction of Nagisa and Yukine is flawless as always ^^ And I know what you mean about extracting Clannad scans; I've done it before.
    The window, including the view outside, looks great, as well as the rest of the wall ^^
    I really do love this so much, thanks again <33 This'll be my desktop of course :D

  3. YoruAngel866 Feb 21, 2008

    wow this is so pretty! Well done!

  4. Sinever Feb 21, 2008

    very lovely & cute wall :D
    the background is good & the window is perfect :)
    keep it up kitten-chan ;)

  5. Chloe Retired Moderator Feb 21, 2008

    You know what I think of this! I love the window and the outside-ness. Nicely done =)

  6. Kaisuke90 Feb 21, 2008

    aaaww cutecute =3 Ganbatte Nagisa~~ haha lool

  7. irix Feb 22, 2008

    Looks very lovable! Good work! :nya:

  8. temarigenius Feb 27, 2008

    Wahh!~ Their pose is so cute~ <3
    And the background made them cuter >_<
    Everything is perfect~ ^^

  9. moonescape Mar 23, 2008

    Wow, such a nice lightning effect and the idea for this wallaper I find it quite hilarious. XD

    This is really nice, but the sakura tree outisde seems quite flat and soem of the grass seems odd. Though anyways well done. =D

  10. IcyBlade Mar 24, 2008

    a really nice work kitten-san!

  11. ronvic101 Mar 30, 2008

    Good work I really like nagisa ^_^

  12. garyloice Apr 01, 2009

    Very NICE! Very CUTE!
    LOVE it! (^0^)

  13. Evangelynn Jul 22, 2009

    Nice =)

  14. wibowoz Mar 07, 2010

    All right..
    another GREAT scan for my computer desktop..!
    Truly thank you for sharing :DD

  15. doppel222 Jun 16, 2010

    they both have their hand post, kawaii~

  16. sdfsdfseasfds Mute Member Jun 28, 2010

    great wall :) thx.....................

  17. AnimeNeko1997 Aug 23, 2010

    Kawai image >.< I like Clannad ^__^

  18. henohenomoheji10 Feb 24, 2011

    YUKINE FAN XDDD thnx for share

  19. fitarol15 Sep 20, 2014

    A very cute wall~~lucky ash-san

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