very nice n__n
Kotomi from Clannad!
So, hum, I extracted Kotomi from this scan:
Friends by Spikexp
I took me a while, the hairs were painful to extract. XD
I don't have much to say.
Texture are from Mayang.
Brush from IHEA and Yumehayla from deviantART!
The sky was done by me! :D done with photoshop's cloud filter. xD
Some lines... etc.
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very nice n__n
Awesome and very abstract! =D
I find that the colors are bright to my eyes since I'm not used to a color schema like that but it's very
nice! Your extracting is very neatly done! :)
I love the idea, the waves are like music from the violin, how pretty! Thanks for sharing
love this n.n
kotomi... ?
I'd like to play the game 'Clannad'
but... the problem is japanise ?_?
English is problem, too
Nice wallpaper
love love kotomi
kotomi-chan is great!
merged: 03-31-2008 ~ 12:14pm
i want play violin!
Very beautiful.
excelente me gusta gracias
Very NICE! Very CUTE!
LOVE it! (^0^)
Kotomi looks solemn in this wally - nice job
I love it ! I mean the violin, not the girl. xD
very beautiful thannk you for the picture
nice, thanks for sharing^^
T_T whee my favorite clannad characheter and my current wall <3
"Ippen shinde miro!".
this such a nice wallpaper i love it ! Kotomi-chaaaaaaaaaaaan~
kotmi, kotomi. KOTOMI-CHAN!
so sweet. so distracted. LOVE
that's really wonderful! I like very much this illustration and I've never found it in such high quality, thank you!
Yay! Cute Kotomi! :3 Thanks for this! :3
great wall :) thx.....................
nice pics....^_^..tnx for sharing
Nice. i love this wallpaper..^^
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