
Clannad: Glancing at Eternity

Kyoto Animation, Clannad, Kotomi Ichinose, Vector Art
Kyoto Animation Studio Clannad Series,Visual Novel Kotomi Ichinose Character Vector Art Source


Artist Comment

Clannad viewers out there will recognize where I got this Vector ^^ I got it from Clannad episode 11, where Kotomi opened the window in the Library, I gotta say KyoAni delivered that one scene beautifully. Anyways I had a hard time working with this image since the lines were all blurry and you can barely see them most of the time I improvised and made the lines from scratch. Enjoy this Kotomi Vector I might make a wallpaper out of it if I get the proper motivation.

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  1. Chikaru-chan Dec 15, 2007

    Sweet ^^

  2. AnimesKA Dec 15, 2007

    waaa kotomi-chan kawaaaaii! >-<

    merged: 12-16-2007 ~ 07:13am
    waaa kotomi-chan kawaaaaii! >-<

  3. ASH-Hikari Dec 15, 2007

    Awesome job, that scene was breathtaking. Lovely.

  4. Shimazaki Dec 17, 2008

    nice work keep it up

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