
Clannad: .::Sakagami Tomoyo::..

Kyoto Animation, Clannad, Tomoyo Sakagami, Vector Art
Kyoto Animation Studio Clannad Series,Visual Novel Tomoyo Sakagami Character Vector Art Source


Artist Comment

Ah! It's been a while since I last submitted something! I'm back from my little hiatus! (sorry for the lame title XD)

I started this last week, a few days before Clannad aired, but got lazy :nya: as usual! I vectored her hair and face but then my computer got a virus and I had to clean the whole hard drive and lost what I had vectored. So, starting from scratch again, I would vector around 1-2 hours per day but I finally decided to finish it yesterday. And who said vectoring C.C.'s hair was difficult? XD Tomoyo's hair wasn't easy too! And because I have some kind of ''problem'' XD I always extend stuff when vectoring (I mean, it may come in handy!) This time, her hair and leg. I also made the lines in different ways to see which way I was most comfortable with (and that made some lines thicker than others ^_^' specially in her hair). For the coloring, I went with the colors in the scan and after it was all finished I went and adjusted them (tomoyo's hair is gray but in the scan was brownish... :hmpf: ) I think it turned out okay, though I think she looks a little pale! :(
Now, to the info!

Started: October 2- October 14
Hours: 22 hrs... I guess
Most Difficult: Her hair! :x
Easiest: Coloring!
The Fun Part: Coloring the eyes <33
Credit: I got the scan from AnimeSuki Forums but it's here on MT too. Tomoyo by Chikaru-chan
Programs Used: Photoshop CS2

Full-Sized Vector : http://www.upfordown.com/public/pview/527/Tomoyo-Vector-Full-Size.jpg
(oof...before I could find a decent hosting site that would upload more than 2.5 MB x_x )

Comments, faves, full-views are extremely appreciated! :) Oh and advices too! I've been curious about Illustrator! Everyone says it's easier :o
On a random note, I've been quiet depressed lately. I get irritated easily and feel like crying over nothing. Not to mention I only feel like sleeping and/or doing nothing. Not even my biggest passion - drawing - is cheering me up. I have lots of ideas but end up throwing the paper to garbage! Oh well! Sorry, really needed to write this -_-

Coming Next : Lucky Star Vector! :P

*As always, do not post this anywhere else without my permission. Feel free to use it in your works as long as you give me credit

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  1. erikamirou Oct 14, 2007

    I think I don't have to say anything, do I? ;)
    Beautiful as always! XDXD
    And about the P.S. note, I'm feeling the same and you already know it! XD lol But, anyways, CHEER UP! XD 'cause I'm doing the same!... lulz! XD
    See ya tomorrow at school! XD lol
    Oh! i forgot! Great vector! XD
    (I just felt like talking in english... don't ask me why!XD)

  2. ASH-Hikari Oct 14, 2007

    Wow, nice vector! I'm planning on doing a Clannad vector soon too! I haven't even watched the first eppy yet though but I will soon >_<
    Vector is well-done and a nice picture, love the eyes! Great job :D

  3. moonescape Oct 16, 2007

    Wow, your vector has dramaticlly improved. (O_o) This is really nice, I mean look at those outlines. They're so wonderful, colors are raelly nice and pretty much I'm speechless now. Keep it up! :)

  4. abul Oct 19, 2007

    oh i hat ecchi but this vector is awesome ;)

  5. Cagari Oct 25, 2007

    You did a great job on this and even after you lost everything you started from scratch! I admire your perseverance!

  6. temarigenius Nov 04, 2007

    Wow! Awesome vector! Done perfectly!
    She's my fav character in Clannad XD

  7. templa Nov 11, 2007

    N1! =) Keep up the good work! Very nice vector

    merged: 12-31-2007 ~ 03:02am

    Congratulations, your image has been added to our CLANNAD-Fans group gallery!

  8. kaitodaidouji Jan 05, 2008

    Yessssss! good vector of tomoyochan XD EXCELENT!

  9. xAnime4Lifex Feb 10, 2008

    Excellent vector! The lineart is very neat, and the shading is so good! I really like the eyes ^_^

    There is a tiny spot where you can see the background where the sock meets the leg on the right leg. Both for the skin and the sock.

    Great work! OX

  10. AnimesKA Feb 18, 2008

    nice job! is really great!

  11. Shimazaki Dec 17, 2008

    great job a welldone vector just amazing

  12. carloshf Jul 31, 2009

    beautiful imagen ready

  13. mlgb Aug 26, 2009

    it is so beautiful

  14. Roy-Cheke Mute Member Jan 07, 2010

    mmmh.. yo creo q tomoyo es la mas linda ^^

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