
Mint na Bokura Wallpaper: Rainbow-Colored Collection : Red Guitar Girl

Wataru Yoshizumi, Mint na Bokura, Vector Art Wallpaper
Wataru Yoshizumi Mangaka Mint na Bokura Series Vector Art Source

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

EDIT: ZOMG, the thumbnail looks so ugly!~ >o<''

Rainbow Colored Collection item number 2: RED
Other RCC itens: Yellow~ Green~

Zomg, finally the second RCC is here! And as I promised, it is the red! XD XD
Okay, so if for yellow I went for cheefulness and a "OMG YAY!" feeling, ( XD ) for the red I tried something different... Most people relate red to blood and therefore, violence, but I think red can be gentle too... a bit, at least. XD
Okay, so how to be a bit violent and a bit gentle? Rock'n roll, man! XD XD

So here I bring you Minamino Noel, a rocking guitar girl! XD
I'm sure you all know already that Noel is a boy and before you ask "why guitar girl if Noel is a boy?" I'll say: "guitar boy who's temporary pretending to be a girl and therefore, is using a wig that makes he look like a girl" doesn't sound as good as the previous option. O_O XD
But as Noel keeps using his boy clothes, before I went outlining the hair he looked just like a plain boy... but this wig is so powerful that now even I can't find the boy inside him anymore. XD

The mini stage and the flowing tides on the BG are a "let's fill the space, but left it un-filled" working trial. XD

Okay, I'm talking too much. Let's go to stuff that really matter~ O_O (does any actually exist? XD)

*Scan: Haneoka
*Textures: DA!

An important thing: you all know I love receiving comments and hearing people's opinions, but I seem to be having a problem with my RCC... I'm making all the wallies look half-empty in purpose... this is my trial on a simpler wallpaper tecnique, so please please DON'T tell me "it looks empty on the right side", please? XD

Okay. Now, what's missing... oh, of course! If you, for any reason, have to live on using a 1280x1024 version, don't cry anymore! Here's an alternative version on this resolution! XD XD
(Which I must confess: it looks waaaaay better than the 1600 one. XD )

1280x1024 VERSION

Next one shall be the green one, and Minamino Maria (which yeah, it's a REAL girl~ XD ) will make her debut! XD XD

See you there! XD

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  1. smallworld Aug 11, 2007

    Its a Cute n Beautiful wall!
    All your works are still really great!
    Love all the different shades of red.
    And U showed that red is not all that violent!
    Great job! :]

  2. dianas Aug 11, 2007

    I must agree with smallworld this is a really cute reddish wallpaper from you Izumi
    damn I haven`t made any comments to wallpapers lately >_<

    you have this unique happy chibi style ;) that suits you well

  3. Mitsuki24 Aug 11, 2007

    Nice :D Even though it's a simple wall it still looks really good :D
    And i love the girl :) She looks so cute XD

  4. fawna-chan Aug 12, 2007

    It's so cute!
    The chibi style is really working. ;)

  5. norine07 Aug 12, 2007

    omg omg! kawaii desu~~~~ XD hahax..! love the concept~ XD thanks for sharing~

  6. sailorchiron Aug 13, 2007

    to-ta-lly a-dor-a-ble! Great work!

  7. nejika Aug 14, 2007

    {Full-View...thumbnail view looks crappy XD }
    I'm agree with u, red can be gentle too :) and he's so cute...love the expression of his face.
    Way to go for simple wallie Izumi-chan!

  8. Angi Retired Moderator Aug 14, 2007

    nya...it looks empty on the........haha! dont worry just kidding...the red part of RCC! yay!
    nyu, thought was a girl, but nyaaa the boy wants to be one of those 80s rockers with that bunch of hair ne!
    nyanya! pretty nice guitar, I want one of those too!
    very Izu's style, colorful and cute!
    super fav!

  9. Lariel Aug 16, 2007

    Is the background red? RED? Isn't your style like... pink and yellow? ^_^'
    Oooh, but I lub the vector- kawaii~ Especially the expression on her face -> ;)

  10. Lum-sann Sep 21, 2007

    Zomg! kyaumi you create a rock star XD i love the wallpaper! :D
    The red it's very cool! the scan it's so so cute! The RCC it's turning very cute! ;) He XD has a very cute style! I would love to play guitar too! T_T
    That conversation of boy and girl was really confusing XD but it really looks like a girl when we look at him we think that his a girl, but it's a boy *_* XD
    Well the vector is really nice i love the red tons! yay next one is green! :D great! ^_^
    Great vector kyaumi looks really cute! :D
    Fav for me! ;)

  11. CosmoStar Sep 23, 2007

    This red shade is yummy! The wave on the background is very nice also! It makes even more yummy! *O*
    Congrats, my dear!

  12. music-lover Nov 16, 2007

    Very adorable, indeed. :)

  13. Krystalized Oct 12, 2010

    the Bassist,Noel! thx~ for sharing,love it very much!

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