
Koutaro Wallpaper: cherishing a dream

Koutaro, Nijiiro Zakura Wallpaper
Koutaro Mangaka Nijiiro Zakura Studio

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

started working on this wall from july 30th, well, the scan i used: Cute Girl! by kosmessenger
well, i rotated the scan so that she looked like as if she's standing and not lying on a bed
then, i started working on the doors, this was not easy(the shading part), then the background, well, what do you think of the tree, i'm really dreadful at making trees, so this was the best i could come up with, and then the clouds
added textures in the end and changed it's opacilty to a very low value
i think that's all
layers used: well, i think it's more than 50, coz i kept merging certain layers, so i'm not sure
the textures used were from DA!

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  1. Chloe Retired Moderator Aug 03, 2007

    Nicely done! The scan is a bit fuzzy, but the doors and the background are really well done. Great job!

  2. PrairieDogGuy2006 Aug 03, 2007

    This is refreshing to see a kirei onna standing in the doorway, looosing up her tie after coming home from (school ?). Seeing the light fall on the her shirt (white) shows a "3 dimensional" look. Love the shading effects, easy on the eyes.The way how she tilts her head to the left, allows the viewer to come in closer to her. It's like she is inviting me to come closer to her.Her facial expression, relaxed and non threatening (to say the least)
    The tone of her skin I find realistic. The way the Sun's light falls from the east, looks like it's in the early morning(say around 08:30 to 09:30 hours.)Her hair, Love it.
    The tree in the background doesn't look bad at all. Just having a large tree helps fill in the open space. Not having the tree would make the journey othe Eye less fun. I also like the clouds in the background. Looks like the weather is changing, like there will be some rain in the near future.
    The colours used in the B/G, shows me this pix (like a photograph) makes think that Fall is in the air. That Summer is waning fast. Over all, if I was a judge (which I am NOT ! lol!) I would give U a "10" on your work. An "" 11 "" because I love Fall colours and feelings that Autumn envokes. Thanxs for the share and I hope i will see more of your submissions. ;-)

  3. yalubluchay Aug 03, 2007

    i love ur style

  4. oldbie Aug 03, 2007

    i can't agree more with PrairieDogGuy2006. very detailed comment. great insight. this is a great wall.

  5. moonescape Aug 03, 2007

    I must agree with Chole-chan about it. The scan maybe fuzzy, but the background really went well. :D

    I mean this is way better than the one I made. It's like you had it all planned out. :o

  6. springheeljack Aug 03, 2007

    what a good job
    i love the back ground

  7. XxYukirinxX Aug 03, 2007

    Wonderful job. I really like the tone of colors and the background is awesome.

  8. vxcdeejay Aug 03, 2007

    goooood job!
    i liked! tY

  9. Phill Aug 04, 2007

    nice job, i like how you did to the door, however, the wooden part that behind her back looks kinda flat, the tree is nicely done but it would be better if you use other brush to make the tree but i like how you did to the shade of the tree

  10. FallenAngelZoicyte Aug 04, 2007

    very nice wall! i really like it!

  11. rika23 Aug 04, 2007

    well, you are improving from your previous wall :3 i <3 it

  12. nikorai Aug 04, 2007

    neatly done. thanks for your hard work +fav

  13. pamkips Aug 04, 2007

    The background is absolutely fabulous :3 Only prob is the scan, like Chloe-Chan stated :o

  14. yui20 Aug 05, 2007

    You are very creative =3 ~
    The wallpaper looks gorgeous ^^ ~ I totally love it =3 ~
    But yea, the scan look a lil bit jagged >.<

  15. MaandDeern Banned Member Aug 05, 2007

    Hallo Aania!
    This is lovely done!
    The girl standing there looks and fits perfectly at all!
    I add this into my favorites!

  16. econy Aug 05, 2007

    awesome work...................
    the girl has a cute smile

  17. Koboshi93 Aug 06, 2007

    nice color nice bg
    good job ^^

  18. vatican92 Aug 07, 2007

    NIce idea to turn the scan around a bit to make it look like she's standing up

    Wow......... shading the door must've been really hard @_@

    You made the tree?...... that's awesome

    Overall, I think this is a wonderful wallie

    but the color of the door doesn't really fit the balcony color

    But still it's awesome~

  19. kurotsuki-chan Aug 09, 2007

    awesome wallie! it's a very nice job!^^

  20. kng30 Aug 18, 2007

    i like it very much ^^ awesome job

  21. zazuge Aug 25, 2007

    So cute *fav* ^_^

    merged: 08-29-2007 ~ 02:40am

  22. Offkorn Sep 23, 2007


    My only complaint is that the shadow on her neck looks rather similar to a bruise, and is a bit distracting.

  23. Greomer Dec 09, 2007


  24. laila-san Nov 10, 2008

    que realista!

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