
Aria Wallpaper: A Day in Aqua

Kozue Amano, Aria, Akari Mizunashi Wallpaper
Kozue Amano Mangaka Aria Series Akari Mizunashi Character

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I really wanted to have the scan on my desktop and try to get some depth in w/o using cheap stuff, such as mountains or cityscapes - the paint-o-rama 2nd contest was the motivation I needed to get it done fast, otherwise it'd still be lying around in my wip folder. I know the clouds are pretty sucky and the water extension isn't perfect, but I'm really fed up with it and the wall suites my Windows theme pretty well so I'm a happy camper.
A tut or general walkthrough coming soon @ paint-o-rama

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  1. MallieChan Mar 09, 2007

    I think you made a beautiful ARIA
    wallie but the only one thing that bothers is the text it kinda
    invades the girl a lil!

    other than that nice job cleaning the scan and etc!


  2. Offkorn Mar 09, 2007

    I actually like your clouds better then the originals, they're not as harsh and overbearing, and aligning them to the piers and her LoS works very well. The water refraction is much more striking when lightened up as well.

  3. FallenAngelZoicyte Mar 10, 2007

    this is really beautiful. i love the crispness of it.

  4. pamkips Mar 10, 2007

    amazing water and clouds O____O I wanna learn how to do that

  5. kuroimisa Retired Moderator Mar 10, 2007

    ;-; I was painting this the other day... Muz beat me to it ;-;

  6. gaara-no-shukaku Mar 10, 2007

    Love the water, especially those glows. The clouds are very well-done, they're so fluffy. The perspective is very cool and interesting.

  7. Devilet Mar 10, 2007

    The hell is this?! *downloads* oh, I see better now.
    It's very simple and to the point, I'd say just composed enough to satisfy the wallpaper.

    Great job, and the clouds aren't craptastic, full of BS you are, so yeah!
    You should make more walls now :D

  8. peniko Mar 10, 2007

    really cool XD
    i love the clouds

  9. moonescape Mar 10, 2007

    O_o This is just fantastic. To tihnk you painted this and the perspective wasn't ruined by all from the painting. This is very good. I like the reflection of the water and how some of the water reflects on her fress. This is just awesome despite the sky mybe plain, but everything just makes it more complex than it looks. I'm not sure hoe you are able to maintain the clouds to be puffy and give it shap at the same time. Defaintely has my favs and this is recommended to be full view.

  10. Pladao38 Mar 10, 2007

    Very beautiful scenary ^_^, thanks for sharing.

  11. Mandarine Mar 10, 2007

    Wow, a wonderful view ^^ Nice clouds, nice water.

  12. Zoamel Mar 10, 2007

    This wall is simply fantastic. It's very unusal for me to change the desktop. Today I'll change it!
    The colour is great. The quality is great. +fav

  13. Chloe Retired Moderator Mar 11, 2007

    I was working on this scan T_T
    But this is much better than anything I could do, so huzzah! The clouds look great!

  14. o0Beginner0o Mar 11, 2007

    man, you havn't said anything positive about this wallpaper.... i think it's just fine, the clouds look good to ME anyways haha, the only thing is the sky, dunno, maybe i just like the gradient effect but besides that...

    ... it's a plus fav from me =)

  15. MapleRose Retired Moderator Mar 11, 2007

    waah you're so good at doing clouds! (me jealous...) neat water effects.

    lol, yay for procrastination! XD

  16. eternallegend Mar 12, 2007

    the clouds look lovely and the water is done really well :D the background scenery that you did looks wonderful and i like how everything flows nicely :) the extension has been done nicely :D lovely wall ^^

  17. ArtificialRaindrop Mar 13, 2007

    That is an absolutely stunning water effect that you used in this wall! It's very unique. I love it ^_^

  18. Elyvania Mar 13, 2007

    This is way too perfect, you mastered the water technique to an incredible level that left me speechless. I love everything about this, I can feel this wallpaper, the summer breeze lifting the dress, the fresh water on the feet and the clear blue skye going beyond reach... it's incredible, I've have to say that what you created here it's one of the best wallpapers I've had ever seen in Minitokyo... thanks for creating this.

    Can I add you to my watchlist? I've just love what you do MuZ0NaZ , you're an amazing artist.

  19. enchantressinthedark Mar 13, 2007

    Truly a beautiful painted wall. I'm most impressed of your water, it looks really mesmerizing and how you put the reflection of the water on the character's outfit. Kudos to that :) Keep up the good work!

  20. onewer111 Mute Member Mar 13, 2007

    Thank you for sharing.

  21. ealpha-scorpio Mar 13, 2007

    I can almost feel how everything feels in your work. The breez, water and bluness of the sky. This is really amazing and beautiful. The crystal water looks really real. Great Job! :)

  22. shiwei Mar 13, 2007

    nice wallpaper. the background scenery is cool,
    the water is great and the feel is there. keep it up, +fav

  23. sergeantRose Mar 13, 2007

    I SAW THIS IN AP~ didn't know your here aswell ^^ anyways you did a great job on that~ props to you!

  24. LavaBug Mar 13, 2007

    hey, you're into this weeks popular art...gratulation ^^

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