
The Legend of Zelda Wallpaper: The Twilight

Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Midna Wallpaper

1600x900 Wallpaper

Artist Comment


get it? cuz of the fountain poster?

such a good movie.

anyway. twilight princess was a good game, but a terrible zelda game. I want my ocarina and my time with epona back! and zelda, do something! there was no character develpment WHATSOEVER!


celeste gets mad props for helping me get through this wall. <3

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  1. shiningdays Dec 31, 2006

    das right ho, tell it like it is.

    omfg, it's all "(c) 2007" now XDD


  2. DarthTofu Jan 02, 2007

    Ooh, nice wall!
    But truthfully, there was more chara. development in TP than any other Zelda game than MM, and maybe TWW.
    I do miss the Ocarina though. xP
    And I don't like the whole fan service thing they got going with it.

    nonetheless, I like this wall.

  3. moonstaru Mar 25, 2007

    Cool wall! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Regenbogen May 23, 2007

    Hmm I haven't finished Zelda Twighlight Princess yet... I got too busy with Final Fantasy 12. I also miss Zelda Ocarina though... and my old Final Fantasy games. Somehow the recent games dont seem to focus on character development and story anymore. :(
    Anyways... I enjoy the concept of this wall. Love your choice of colors!

  5. grabancz Dec 05, 2009

    ez is egyszer? mint a szappan

  6. AzarDarkstar Mar 06, 2012

    Very nicely done. A good image and not busy looking.

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