
The Legend of Zelda Wallpaper: The Legend

Nintendo, The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Zelda, Link Wallpaper

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Using the the new Zelda art on the cover of the latest EGM, I whipped up a new wallpaper... it doesn't look like I did a lot, but there's some subtle Color Balance, Soft Light, etc. effects and a bit of brushing here and there over jpg artifacts. Plus, I had to paint in the areas on the side myself (used my tablet, too lazy to do this stuff with a mouse =P)) to make it fit the dimensions right.

Scan: http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/105568/

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  1. Patlabor13 Apr 29, 2005

    Nice wall of the new Zelda. Good times.

  2. deadpool22 Aug 15, 2005

    nice wallpaper. I cant wait till The Twilight Princess comes out. I want it now!

  3. highknees Oct 14, 2005

    omfg0rz. This is awesome. I wanna drool.....sdglasjdglsajd, screw that. Instant fave and desktop image.

  4. lunagata Apr 16, 2006

    WOW nice work

    can't wait for the new game >.<

    by the way >.> I know this might be odd but
    I started a new group for the Legend of Zelda,
    just wanted to invite you ^_^
    the group is still in the beginigs, so it isn't that great,
    if you want to be a member the link is on my signature


  5. PDFarsight Apr 26, 2006

    Looks very nice! I have a poster of this, but it doesn't look as good as this wallpaper. XD Awesome job.

  6. ankokujose Aug 06, 2006

    i can`t wait till its launch !

  7. Night-Fox Mar 23, 2007

    Awesome job on the wallpaper. Great image that makes a great wallpaper. Great job filling in the sides of the picture, and I like how the two central figures stand out with the brightness in the center. Excellent work!

  8. theremosster Jan 21, 2010

    I like this wallpaper a lot.

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