
Clannad Wallpaper: Revisitations - Kaleidoscopik Butterfly

Clannad, Fuko Ibuki Wallpaper
Clannad Series,Visual Novel Fuko Ibuki Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

With work being now done in a more sparingly dosage, I guess I tend to have more time after work to do a bit more work on the PS2...

The idea came after I went to a shop the other day (next to my work place) that sells the latest in TV technology, and one of them showcased these wonderfully placed bottles, and changing technicolor dreamcoats type of floating abstract objects.

I was instantly mesmerized by the changing shapes, and for a while it seemed to me there were flowers and butterflies, and then there was the dark and deep untouched seas, the sun its endless distances of land and greenery, and so on.

I felt.... i dunno... attracted by its colors like a fly would to a zapper.
So I went home and then looked for a render that worked... and then searched, Alas, multicolor renders come by hard in actually wonderfully ochestrated perfection of colors, and thus, I made one myself, I based the colors off her clothing and looked for something along the lines of Kaleidoscope...

I dunno if I had captured the effect all that perfectly, but I deem I did a good job at least. She was based off on an old wall I had got deleted some eons ago, so it was good to dig her out for Revisitations part 2, so here goes....

Before: The Old Version - Entitled: "Fuko Ibuki - Sorrowful" AKA Over The Mountain Load of Text OMG F*CK NO

I present Revisititations Part 2 - Kaleidoscopik Butterfly - Feat. Fuko Ibuki of Clannad. Character by Key.inc. / Special thanks goes to inspiring TV sets from Toshiba. XD

Here is an alternate version that cuts closer to the Original Fuko Ibuki - Sorrowful

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  1. eternallegend Nov 02, 2006

    wow, i like the simple look of the backgorund and i like how you did the wings XD they look so nice and really lovely with those colours and seems so ethereal like in a way XD the colours match her well and i like the effects you used :D the title suits well and overall nice wall ^^

  2. semanga Nov 02, 2006

    this wall looks very good the scan and the bg fits very good together
    thanks for share it

  3. muneera Nov 02, 2006

    a simple wallie but a beautifull one...
    well done

  4. Kiako Nov 02, 2006

    the wallpaper looks nice,
    the types of colours you used are great, i like them a lot, and the bg behind the chara has a nice shape too, it also fits well to the chara,
    you did a good job, keep it up

  5. Kuro-kun15 Nov 02, 2006

    Oh wow. That's awesome. I love the colors. ^_^


  6. Chloe Retired Moderator Nov 02, 2006

    Really cool, I love the colors of the wings. The black background makes them stand out even more. Wish the scan was a bit cleaner though :\

  7. Mishayuu Nov 03, 2006


  8. xluminax Nov 03, 2006

    I love the colors, they are so bright and clear, and it makes a good contrast with the scan. ^___^ The scan is also very pretty. xD You ish be my favorite of wallers on MT. xD Great work!

  9. URanimEnigma Nov 05, 2006

    Your description was a bit tough to imagine. But, your wall, when closely viewed made it seem more a vivid description. Actually the colors reminds me of how an oyster would look. Like porcelin colors spreading out-contracting and retracting in different shapes. That's the impression your wall makes upon me. I downloaded it because I like it. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Rikkablurhound Nov 05, 2006

    This is better!
    Very creative of U to turn the wings into Technology XD (cant express it)
    Just really nice...
    the colors are nice too...
    The older version would actually look quite nice withouht the huge amount of massive text & more colors in it...
    But this is honestly quite nice & I like it^^

  11. Milkiyo Nov 06, 2006

    somehow I think the previous version's composition is better even though this is better quality :3 this just reminds me of those...u know science thingy where aliens are caged in tubes? and all the slime and that kinda thing..not that I'm saying your wall is slimy rofl. She is more cute than hot and the style is well...warm..u forgot to put teh hot banner! D: *bites* :3

  12. RainbowWings Nov 08, 2006

    Woow ! Very nice

  13. AnimeLover2004 Restricted Member Nov 09, 2006

    Not bad wallpaper but this belongs to CLANNAD category, not Kanon, in case none of you know about it.
    This gal is from CLANNAD.

  14. Marcy Nov 21, 2006


  15. chii0103 Feb 09, 2007

    ^^ its nice.. :) but it lacks something.. but it's still good :) keep it up

  16. enchantressinthedark Feb 24, 2007

    Scan looks a lil blurred, but the multi-coloured wings are da bomb! XD

  17. Tails1984 Feb 27, 2007

    ya, really really nice the wings...

  18. YinYangV1 Mar 27, 2007

    I love the background design. Also the girl is very cute and innocent. :p

  19. SeoNarang Mute Member Nov 18, 2010

    gently but also very attractive ... it's a wonderful wallpaper .... you work very factor ..... good luck ..... A good day will come to you

  20. Dismand Dec 09, 2010

    Thanks For The Sharing . . . .

  21. JOSHUA302 Jan 15, 2011

    Appear.... Fukoh!... thanks for the picture/image.

  22. phongttp001 Feb 06, 2011

    wow. That's awesome. I love the colors. ^_^


  23. lemauve Mar 16, 2011

    simple wallie but a beautifull one...
    well done

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