OMG! its so pritty! The backround is awsome and the girl is cute! Peeeerrrrrrrrrfect winter wallie! Keep up the awsome work! *hugs back* +faves
Artist Comment
~Hello everyone! *hugs*~
In continuation of my month themes (October Breeze, November Harvest, and yeah, no December T_T), here is January's ^__^
Crisp, cold weather....bitter winds...the gloom of an approaching storm...snow blankets the ground and clothes the's January...
Of course--PLEASE--download to see details...if you want ^^
---The Mountains. Made entirely from scratch.
---The Clouds. Trying to make realistic, wispy, daunting, dismal clouds for the hint of the blizzard.
---All the Snow detail. Making the road have wisps of snow with shadows, snow clumps on wall bottom and on wall, and
worst of all--the snow on the various evergreens >_< That was a .... nevermind =) Let's say an hour of
smudging, blending, and all other effects ^^
---Conifer trees. They were brushes that I made. I didn't want to do "stick" trees since many other walls
have those. So I tried to do conifers to give that wintery-feel.
Fun Part-->
---There was a fun part? LOL I guess making the snow flurries ^^
So please Enjoy the month of January!
And of course I am forever grateful for all of your comments, tips, advice, etc.
Thank you all!
Aspiring Mafia
Member: Devildude
Wall: D's Vectored Brushed to Oblivion 2: Tie Me
Reason: Has "captured a great overall effect".
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ladyvampire Jan 16, 2006
THE-DARK-PRINCE Jan 16, 2006
Very nice wallpaper...
The scan looks very calm, cute and attractive...
Maybe the only comment is for the mountain and the trees, it would be better...
However, it's my opinion though, and this wallpaper from my dear friend Emma, so this wallpaper should be a great wallpaper...
LoL, here is so hot, i want some snows or at least a cool weather ^_^Nice try my friend...
Keep up the great work ^^ -
bbls Jan 16, 2006
i luv the wintery atmosphere of your wallie...looks pretty realistic to me, even though i've never seen snow before... XD
i especially luv your trees...they look like gigantic christmas trees, and the brushes are absolutely lovely. the snowy details on them give them a very realistic look, as well.
i also really like your brick wall there and the snow're always so meticulous about details, which really make for fantastic looking wallies!
and the extraction looks very good..even the hair! :D
wonderfully done, emma! -
MasterFoot Jan 16, 2006
so beautiful, makes me wish that it was actually snowing here, oh well, i love all the little details you put in Great Job :)
+fav :)
J1337 Jan 16, 2006
Hey Emma, nice wall! I love the winter feel of this wall, I live in australia and its summer here! but you've still done a great job on Janurarys wall. I really like the clouds they look very realistic and I love the mountain in the background, the girl blends beautifully with the bg as well. even though its a winter wall it kinda makes me feel warm lol. great job
MagicianFairy Jan 16, 2006
Ohhhh...other wall from you!
This wall fits good now in this season here in Guatemala, lol..kidding, but i can't download, then..i can't see it well T_T -
revontulet Jan 16, 2006
Wow :D Pretty! It really gives the sense of winter! Coz usually peoples try to make winter bright, colourful and fun but i think this catches winter nicely! (like someone said its summer in australia, i guess this can cool us off)
Hmm if i HAD to critisize something...i think i would have made the trees a bit darker...but i am no expert so :) Adds to *favs*
phamthuha Jan 16, 2006
How sad... Sure the bg is really pretty with a sad snow feeling ^_^ i still think that you can deal better with the scan to make it more smooth >__<
Oh sure still your deserve a fav, sweetie ^_^ +Fav and feature to CW ^_^ -
Ayasal Jan 16, 2006
OMG! that so pretty! I love the snow, as well as the whole feeling for the wall! its very nicely done, love all the little details! good job Emma-sensei!
keep up up the good works! and its a fav from me! yay!
bye-bye! *waves* -
AngelKate Jan 16, 2006
Woow..really pretty! I love winter. ^_^ I like the brick looks very realistic. The snow is wonderful too. Nyaaa...I wish I could do stuff like that. >.< Great job Emma-san. ^_^
Farewell Jan 16, 2006
amazing wall just like the others. Nice job.
Asahi Jan 16, 2006
i am impressed thats the best winter winter landscape behind a chara which i ever seen here on mt :D . indeed it seems very hard to create it so perfectly ! fantastic work done, emma <3
TLTw804 Jan 16, 2006
ohiyo emma chan ^_^
Awesome wall, looks fantastic, the environment is full fledged and well thought out, brushing that from scratch is something i would be very proud of, and i think you should be also. You wondered where the fun part was, well i think its that feeling of satisfaction you get when you read your comments and enjoy what you have done ~_^another fav for me.
ja matte...
shioriyukino Jan 16, 2006
nice wall!
i love snowy place!
thanks for sharing...^-^** -
thedoublefinger Jan 16, 2006
I think month themes wallies is a good idee, and you are doing it very good! I think the blue fits the wall because the one you used is cold. (You the girl in blue...) Well, err, anyways, nice wall!
But why no December? T_T -
nolove Jan 16, 2006
continue to ur monthly wall ^^, and it sure awesome as the two before >__<, i just can see one thing the scan has a bit noise but ur extraction's really perfect >.<. All the clouds, moutain, trees....has its wonderful feeling, oh but i just thing of December in this wall not Jan, maibe in my country there's a bit hot now ^__^, so....
But Overall, it's wonderful, and deserve lots of favies >< -
zaira Jan 16, 2006
wow! a very winter like wallie!
+ you made the mountians so nice!
and i like also those snows around it!
the scan fits the atmosphere + the tress is really made it done! i really like it! soo +fav ! -
onyhow Jan 16, 2006
Are you trying to kill me with those wallpaper by their beautifulness?
Just kidding. Really great piece of art. Really like the character and the snow.
Keep up your good work and add to fav!
Bla-demer Jan 16, 2006
Really nice looking winter wall. The snowy background and the treas that are going whiter
are really beautiful background forthis character. The sky is also really nice. So great work.
keep it up and thanks for sharing. -
cloh Jan 16, 2006
Everything looks so perfect! That's another amazing wall from you :) I love this sky! Just as I love them^^ The brick wall is sublime! Really nice composition! The girl is cute and her colors match the scan so well!
Another wonderful atmosphere from you^^ -
Rikimaru-jp Jan 16, 2006
Hey Emma Senpai :) it has been a while since I've seen you posting wallies :) I'm glad that you finally did bring something or should I say something great!
I like the environment a lot it's so beautiful and gorgeous! the winter atmosphere you brought to this wallie is so charming :)
the scan you used is fitting so much with the background!
keep up the great work Emma ;)
*adds it to his favorites* -
nikorai Jan 16, 2006
wow! another extremely nice wall. goes to my favs. its great you have time for make walls. i admire your work
Amythyst Jan 16, 2006
Another great wallie from you :D this one is very beautful. I really like how you made the clouds and the snow. great job and a fav from me ^_^
flamealchimist Jan 16, 2006
awsome wallpaper!
i really like it, you did really good with all the details and stuff.
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