
Kingdom Hearts: AkuRoku - Save me From the Darkness

Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts, Roxas, Axel, Member Art
Square Enix Studio Kingdom Hearts Game Roxas Character Axel Character Member Art Source


Artist Comment

hihi! everyone :)

there isn't very much to say about this ---___---; its another drawing, right? XXD first things first...everything is done with a mouse! XD yay~!
this is a fanart of Axel and Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 2(no duh! XD) one of my fav pairings XD. *drools*
well.. to the tell you... I didn't have any yaoi/shounen ai intension while drawing this.. but it just turned out looking shounen ai-ish. You can view it either way... it could be a romancetic relationship or it could.. just be a normal, longing, yet friendship relationship (I like that first one XXD)
BUT Whatever floats your boat :) I don't care XXD :P

I don't care XXD well I guess I drew this for the akuroku club on DA

T.T I think Axel turned out kinda werid XD I wanted to make look like hes disappearing, like in the game when he dies ---> spoiler? XXD OH! and I made Roxas's eyes like that for a reason, so don't say anything about how "blank" they are. XXXXXXD I wanted them to be like that. :) because Roxas doesn't remember Axel and blah blah... :P
well thats pretty much it... this took me about 3 longs days to complete :) (because of school... I think BY FAR this is one of my most stressful year ever, @_@ hate the classes... and my teachers are mean.... *sob* and and... so much homework!
thats all for now! please add comments :)
PLease visit me at: http://ayasal.deviantart.com/
THANK YOU! *hugs*

--tools used--
lineart: Pentool
Color: Photoshop CS2

Roxas & Axel (c) whoever made Kingdom Hearts XD
Art (c) ~Ayasal (me)



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  1. Jason9811 Oct 12, 2006

    Ah had time to quickly get it down here? Hehehe ^_^. Hope you do well sweetie I said it all in my PM to you. Take one step at a time *kiss*. Well done as I said at DevART this is fantastic and I'm glad I helped you out with some things ;p. +Fav take care sweetheart see you later ^_^.


  2. Moonlightprincess Oct 12, 2006

    wow! it looks really nice :) ohhh roxas looks really cute :) and Axel looks hot. good job Aya-chan!

  3. Arekisu Oct 12, 2006

    Nice! ^_^

  4. enchantressinthedark Oct 12, 2006

    Wow, after you've altered his eyes, roxas looks really cute! XD but his hairstyle still seems a lil off XD Excellent drawing skills are usual, Aya-chan! =) Do a rikuXsora one one day X-P

  5. MadoshiKurefu Retired Moderator Oct 12, 2006

    Wow! Another great work of you! I like it!

  6. Chloe Retired Moderator Oct 13, 2006

    Yay! Axel x Roxas! I love you, Ayasal-chan =D
    This looks awesome, I love Roxas and how Axel's disappearing. Axel's hair is cool 0_0

  7. Lady-Lotus Oct 13, 2006

    OH WOW! this looks so awesome! the characters are just so pretty. i like the way the guy with the red hair blends so well with the background. the color combination are really good. well done!

  8. HeartFulSkies Oct 13, 2006

    omg ... omg i love this couple sooo much sometimes >o<

    Roxas looks sooo cute! great job!


  9. flamealchimist Oct 14, 2006

    great job.! +fav

  10. Wapy Oct 16, 2006

    oh the characters look great as usual, but i think that the way you usually draw their eyes made this time the boys face look werid. but it looks great most of the times.
    the effects on the bottom look cool too. the bg colour is nice and the guy disapearing is not that bad. I like their hairs, you make them greatly.
    Thumbs up!

  11. Milkiyo Oct 17, 2006

    Roxas looks so hot in the video but he looks cute here :)
    nice concept..

  12. royaldarkness Oct 18, 2006

    this is so cute ^.^ and somehow amusing at the same time (something wrong with my brain somewhere X-P)
    very cool fanart! roxas looks so cute here :D

  13. skye Oct 18, 2006

    i dont particularly like that pairing but the pic looks good. you did that all with a mouse? wow. me its at least pen and paper first :P
    great job though

  14. Arashi-san Oct 22, 2006

    i love it =) its so beautifull

  15. KyoFan368 Oct 30, 2006

    That is so awsome!^_^ I love Kingdom Hearts and the fact that you did KH gets you an extra 10 on my like scall! That is why the awsome becomes an amazingly fantastic!^_^ You did a really great job on Axel and Roxas looks great! You did a really amazing job on it! Thanks for sharing! :) :D :pacman:

  16. animefairy Nov 04, 2006

    Wow...did you actually draw this?! That's so amazing! The colors are very pretty and you did a very awesome job with the cool red flames! I just love your doujinshis! ^^ Keep it up and thanks so much for sharing, Ayasal-chan!

  17. anjo Nov 05, 2006

    i really like this! ahaha! XD adding it to my favorites too! XP it's kinda sad how axis didn't get to see roxas in the end! T-T great work! keep it up! ^^

  18. Keiyan Nov 06, 2006

    AxelxRoxas kyyyaaaaaa Yaoi XD !
    Eerr did i actually say that out loud >.>;;
    *ahem* needless to say i love these two er.. this wall *coff* hehehe ^^;
    Thank you so much for feeding my pervert mind XD
    (crap i need to shut up!)

  19. LordWe Feb 05, 2007

    I can't believe I missed this when it was first submitted x_x This is gorgeous. I haven't played the game yet, but I keep meaning to (I need a kick in the butt, I've had it since it came out.) But anyway, keep up the great work!

  20. LauraLeia Jul 09, 2008

    This looks really good, although it kinda looks like Roxas went and got a haircut - it looks way shorter. =X Anyway, great job! ^^ I like it!

  21. narunarunarunaru Feb 28, 2009

    what anime is ths?

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