
One Piece Wallpaper: One Piece Vector

Eiichiro Oda, Toei Animation, One Piece, Nefeltari Vivi, Vector Art Wallpaper
Eiichiro Oda Mangaka Toei Animation Studio One Piece Series Nefeltari Vivi Character Vector Art Source

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

never seen one piece so no idea who the char is but somehow the scan caught my eye. anyways, this should be a little something different then my usual walls i submit....
anyways the wall is just a very simple vector. essentially just vectored the char from here:
then i put in a hill, vectored some gulls and clouds in the back.

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  1. candy-chan Retired Moderator Feb 17, 2006

    lol, I remember seeing the gulls in sxc.hu , I think I even still have the stock on my hd XD
    so yeah they look nice, and the big nice thing about this is the scan choice. IT's quite unusual and original ;) pretty interesting and refreshing from everything we see these days. So that has my fav

    refreshing is indeed the word

  2. cyd84 Feb 17, 2006

    A rather strange expression on the girl...but then again I've never seen one piece either :)
    Anyways...a beautiful and colorful vector job...especially with the transparent cloak and tattoos
    The clear sky and seagulls definitely create a refreshing atmosphere...reminds me of a peaceful shore scene without the typical sand and surf
    All the elements fit together very well for a great cohesive wall

  3. WWLAOS Feb 17, 2006

    Well, I don't know what she's doing standing on a rock out in the middle of nowhere, but it makes a really nice wallpaper. The sky looks great, I love how you made the clouds. The rock...err..."hill" looks good too...very "natural-looking." The scan is gorgeous. Crisp and clean...and shiny. Also, that's a very interesting choice for the scan...I don't think I've seen it before. But, then, I haven't spent any amount of time specifically looking through One Piece wallpapers, so what do I know? It's a very pretty scan, though. I like it. Saving the best for last, those seagulls are terrific. They are, quite possibly, the coolest gulls I have ever seen.

    Overall, a beautiful wallpaper. Thanks for letting us take a look at it.

  4. Amru-chan Feb 17, 2006

    Very wonderful vector >_<. Fav from me ^^

  5. phamthuha Feb 17, 2006

    COOL! How did you make work so wonderful like that OoO I am full of admiration now *blushed* Of course a fav from me, sweetie ^_^ keep up your wonderful work! You make me love One piece and Bleach even more....

  6. anji Feb 17, 2006

    So Cool! I almost never saw a wall of Vivi in One Piece.
    Your skills for vectoring aren't need to be prove ;) It's great!
    I like the style of the gulls, simple and effective.
    And her, she's nice and clean, with all the details and even transparency.
    You can always find something to be improve, but I really like your wall has it is.
    Thanks a lot for sharing this and it's always nice to see a different style of wall from you!

  7. bluSake Retired Moderator Feb 17, 2006

    The vector is beautiful: especially like how you've done the transparency. & the gulls XD I love the gulls. Hm...it looks like she's dancing on a volcano. Interesting.

  8. euna Retired Moderator Feb 18, 2006

    go oppa for making another awesome wall!
    i luv vector stuff <333
    btw, that is awesome vectoring on the chara <333 luv the transparency as well.
    everything just fits in really well. i luv it.
    great wall oppa! *fav*

  9. OracleAngel Retired Moderator Feb 20, 2006

    Very different from what you usually do these past weeks but hey i like the vast amount of breathing space and movement of the wall... nicely vectored and made to fit a sunny appreciative day of freedom! Awesome job mate! :)

  10. Vetrox Feb 24, 2006

    Nice. Cool perspective on the sky :)

  11. Ebelin Apr 17, 2006

    Another great vector of crapmonster :). You made wonderful vector and wallpaper :).

  12. Sabbathiel Jun 07, 2006

    hehe.. I see this wallie and I laugh.. why? those foots! hehe... ^-^ this character seems to be like my older sister - her foots are gigant :p hehe
    oh.. I'm all right now,. ufff, so this scan is lovely in his way ;-) I like colors, birds, clouds and the way you made your vectors, one more thing: this wallie is funny for my co can I say that you have double-fav from me? ;-)

  13. zororio Oct 29, 2008

    nice scan!

  14. narutodluffy Nov 30, 2009

    Its very rare for good picture of Vivi Nefeltary, absolutely goes to my favorites

  15. Mozgoshmiga Dec 17, 2009

    Vivi is so good girl... I like her very much! T_T

  16. Primaverah Mar 13, 2010

    vivi - chan :3 !
    i miss u ><

    thnx 4 the beautiful wallp. =)

  17. crimson-blue Jul 09, 2010

    so elegant wallie...
    like it!..thx for sharing it!

  18. Miss-Mess Jul 28, 2010

    Nice one! I love ur vector

  19. screxmo Sep 15, 2010

    Thank you so much for sharing!

  20. Naya1986 Mute Member Oct 15, 2010

    wowwwww! Kawaiii
    thank you for picture

  21. neopet001 Dec 28, 2010

    Great wall, thank you for this vivi wall!

  22. pureblood98 Feb 27, 2011

    yay a vivi wall! she's sooo pretty here..
    i miss her.

  23. kugiming Feb 28, 2011

    So Cool! I almost never saw a wall of Vivi in One Piece.
    Your skills for vectoring aren't need to be prove ;) It's great

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