i am soo first! ;D man boobs? freakish. i like the light grunge look and the colors blend with each other and doesn't really pokes my eye >___O i just love the grafitti in the back since they add more 'rebel' touch to the wallie ;D
Artist Comment
I can almost hear the whistles
Right girls...It's man boobs xD
I was going for a widescreen wall at first. I vectored this one for the first time in my life. But somehow I didn't
like the clean, flawless looking of vector that much. (It wasn't flawless thx to me anyways)
not to mention I have no experience with vector backgrounds.
SO I decided to make something out of the original artwork although the quality is seriously lacking.
I have no idea who is the artist so; if you know please let me know immedialtelly.
Well...I can guess many people are saying right now that this is not a very creative concept and the quality is lacking.
But I
assure those people; this is the best with this kind of quality. I tried many different things for the bg. It's not
supposed to be
a wall in the first place. Billboards, abstract, scenic...and even pop art style just didn't fit this one...or I
couldn't manage I don't know.
Anyways here is the result. I am quite content with it actually. I love the dirty looking of the wall.
I cleaned up the writings and papermarks from the artwork...adjust its resolution. Re-cged many parts.
There are no textures in this btw...Almost everything is handmade except that leaf shadows on the right. These are
simple brushes.
Anyways...the concept is kinda simple looking but I enjoy creating this one. I ve been trying, playing and improving for
quite some time.
SO this is the time I guess...since I ve done a formidable number of environmental walls. Let's see if I can manage
vector walls...or not xD
Mafia Plug
Member: Oracleangel
Wall : Black Cat : All the love in the world
Reason mad skillz...@_@
Dedicated to: Flyin Yina Oracleangel
Hope you like this one.
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ShiXon Jan 29, 2006
royaldarkness Jan 29, 2006
wow, great wall :D man boobs? rofl XD very cool background, i love the texture, it looks just like the real thing!
Sandra Jan 29, 2006
OMG It;s Awesome X_x
kiukirilya Jan 29, 2006
Lol, man boobs?
This wall is awesome! The bg looks great!
I don't think the scan lacks of quality, because you blend it so well with the bg that it looks perfect ^^
A fav' of course! -
boogybro Jan 29, 2006
Your texturing always rocks. I think make the colour layer and the soft noice effect over the main stock is a bit strong, but overall really nice wall.
I'm sure this will rack them up like all of your walls do. ;)
Ephemeral-Garden Jan 29, 2006
When I looked at the wallpaper, for some reason it kinda attracted me. Though the scan is lacking in quality, but the wallpaper just somehow has it's own beauty. Darn. I can't even find any word that matches my sentence. I just love it! >.< Those dirty and grungey scenic look is pretty~ :)
Saikusa Retired Moderator Jan 29, 2006
Hee hee heee... man boobs :3
It's wonderful. You've matched the tone of the scan wth the background perfectly. The whole thing looks like a masterpiece, a real work of art! Yet it's strangely lacking the bright colours that you usually have. Opting for virtual sepia tones of green & orange tinting to add to that aged-photograph feel.
And yet when you look at the [rl=]original scan[/url] you can see just how grainy it really does look. I would be interested to see how the Vector looks in comparison; a clean vector and the grungey (and slightly blurry) texture of the scan. Seeing the original makes this wall even more impressive...
Beautful work ~ a definite +fav
Mmmm... man-boobs! ^_^'
pana Jan 29, 2006
as i said on Ap ill say it again
Very nice effort herethe color scheme suits the overall piece
good to c you didnt overdo it with additional brushing as the overall effect you created suits it
extraction of scan is blended well into this wallie
well done -
Liz Jan 29, 2006
wow really, i love the scan and the background is great everything goes together perfectly.
Yina Jan 29, 2006
yeah.. so zorro also came to MT.. XD
nyaa.. thank you for this wonderful gift.. ;__; I'm really really happy.. >__<
you can read the rest of my comment on AP, gogo, fuku-sama! >D -
Emma Jan 29, 2006
"Well...I can guess many people are saying right now that this is not a very creative concept and the quality is lacking...Anyways...the concept is kinda simple looking but I enjoy creating this one."
I personally think it is a very creative concept and the wall shows the effort and time you put in considering from the description what you were working with. And I will say this to every waller if necessary, but who says a masterpiece can't have simplicity to it. There is more to this concept if one looks for it on their own. To you the wall has its meaning/concept from an artist point of view. To an outsider, one can interprete so much from the 'simple concept'. Ack, I am just rambling >_< Anyway, ~luv~ the concept ^_~ Love the blending and can't believe there is no texture--just hand-made! The only thing that bother me and maybe it is just me, but there are certain graffitti and the brush/leaf shadows that are quiet sharp in contrast to the grainy/soft appeal of the wall. It just doesn't seem to match the rest of the flow. Like the graffitti of the X's and arrow to the extreme left. Because they are a bit sharp, they look like they are 'floating' on the wall then part of it. Does that make sense? ^^;; And including the shadow of leaves on his shoulder.
Overall, this work is stunning and so amazing how much skill you put in ^_^ *hugs* Umm..the hugs is because you did another sexy guy ^_~ LOL Just kidding!
Definite fav! -
candy-chan Retired Moderator Jan 29, 2006
it looks good, but...
Why is everything so blurry? D:
eclair-chan Jan 29, 2006
very nicely done +favs -
Phill Jan 29, 2006
cool , I love it , love the dirty wall you creat .it fits with the scan so well ^-^ but it will be great if you blur those leaves shadow a little bit XD
great job ^^
+fav -
Chloe Retired Moderator Jan 29, 2006
*whistles* Me likey XD
This is awesome. Love the grungish feel and the scan is great! That artist is friggin' excellent.
AngelKate Jan 29, 2006
Man boobs. That's funny. XD Anyway, really cool wall. I like the grungeyness (is that a word? lol) of it. It matches the mood of the scan well. The shadow of leaves is a nice touch too. Great job. :)
vodkamint Jan 29, 2006
Wohoo~ Man boobs. *freaks out* XD;;
Nice wallie. I really love the effect you put there and yes I agree with you, I think it does look weird if the scan were to look totally clean. It suits better like this. Well done! Ahh~ The guy is hot... *squeels* *fangirl mode* ahahaha.
I'm faving this for sure. (: -
dianas Jan 29, 2006
WOW this is from One Piece XP
i think that this wall is for us girls yay ;) finaly a man that is sexy not just girls ^_^'
he looks like a bad guy..like the expresion from his face meowww =) =3 =D
yah back to reality now..you will have a fav from me for your work ;)
and this time arigato for shareing #not good dreaming again# hehe
Milkiyo Jan 30, 2006
man boo- it's the scar that caught my eye haha..
nice features on the wall, have a graffiti feeling on it..I'm thinking, what is a guy like him doing in a place like this? :3
lunaregina Jan 30, 2006
Yeow! You sure caught my eye with this wallpaper. ;) This is quite an exceptional piece. As you said, the quality is a bit lacking - however it plays in quite well with the grunge look. I simply love the graffiti and the calm autumn tones fit in perfectly. All I can suggest is slightly blur the leaf shadows a bit so they blend in more with the background. A definite fav on this one.
Sayonara Jan 30, 2006
Are you joking? I can't stop looking at this wall is so hottt! *haha* nice one my friend.. (indeed niceeee)...
OracleAngel Retired Moderator Jan 30, 2006
Dedicated to me, I guess it can be a good one since Zoro is my favorite character in One piece heheh but for some reason it looks a bit blurry, coulld have just used the vectored image and just dirty him up later... but yeah beautiful job! :P
phamthuha Jan 30, 2006
Again, you caught my eyes with your impressive style ^_^ And again, this wallie is a master piece that contains such a wonderful atmosphere OoO You make me jealous, Fukuu-san ^_^
Oh, and one more time again ^_^, +Fav from me ^_^ -
flyindreams Jan 31, 2006
<insert AP comment here>
...I can't stop looking at him now xD Oh the hotness...
...Gah, I am such a girl xD
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