
Magic Knight Rayearth: We got love for ya!

CLAMP, Magic Knight Rayearth, Guru Clef, Umi Ryuuzaki, Fuu Hououji
CLAMP Mangaka Magic Knight Rayearth Series,OVA Guru Clef Character Umi Ryuuzaki Character Fuu Hououji Character


This is another image from my very old anime magazine. The image was on 2 separated pages. And the 2 pages were different kinds of paper, so the colors don't really match. I did some hard editing on this scan because there were some text on it too. Hope you all like this scan.:)

P.S. I didn't want to crop the text located above Hikaru because if I did, I'll have to crop off half of Hikaru's head. So... ^_^'

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  1. leo7 Feb 03, 2006

    I love it

  2. Matsukaze Jun 25, 2006

    Wow! Nice scan :D
    Lantis, Ferio y Clef look very funny
    Thanks for the scan

  3. jaymac Jun 16, 2007

    This is a cute image, but somehow I can't seem to get my head around what is happening here. Lantis, Ferio and Clef appear to be somewhat embarassed about something while the Magic Knights and Mokona are all high as a kite - jumping for joy and blowing kisses at them.
    I think the first thing that comes into my mind is that a bet was made between the Magic Knights/Mokona and the three Cephiro guys in concern to carrying out some kind of activity and the group with that succeeded obviously wins the bet - in this case the Magic Knights and Mokona, while Clef, Lantis and Ferio are left to lament over their loss.
    That would be my closest interpretation. But what would any of you folks consider what the meaning is.
    It's fun to think about it. Once again - cute shot.

  4. pixbell Sep 08, 2007


  5. linh7330809 Jan 25, 2009

    kurefusama is so cute

  6. SnowLotus Feb 04, 2009

    Beautiful andt cute... and funny xD

  7. issakura Nov 05, 2009

    thanks for sharing! really love this pic =) thanks for sharing this pict..

    lantis' blank face!

  8. Ayase Dec 30, 2009

    la cara de los galanes se ve muy graciosa... pero jamas supe si marina o fuu se quedo con el nene

  9. AlikaSanki18 Aug 01, 2010

    gracias por la foto...esta genial....^^

  10. caldora Dec 25, 2010

    I find this work to highlight the MKR romances perfectly.
    A beautiful job.

  11. thaikuching Jun 05, 2011

    That means Umi is with Clef! hahaha.....

  12. Shatchan Jun 30, 2011

    I love their jubilant poses and expressions! Just looking at this makes me happy! :D

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