
Galaxy Angel Wallpaper: Galaxy Angel .:Mel eating Icecream:.

Kanan, Madhouse, Broccoli, Galaxy Angel, Milfeulle Sakuraba Wallpaper
Kanan Mangaka Madhouse Studio Broccoli Studio Galaxy Angel Series,Game Milfeulle Sakuraba Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

this is a new wall I just completed I hope you enjoy ^_^

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  1. SilentMasamune Jan 13, 2006

    Hello again, DarkAeon, that is if you remember me! I'm dying to make a design similar to that. I have a very neat scan for an abstract design, and I believe I have found my inspiration.

    There is a problem with the extraction as I see white areas outside the edges of the scan. Also, the scan suffered too much smart blur. Multiple layers of the scan would help in finding out which blurs work when cleaning and which blending modes help bring out the most with the clean-up. Keep up the good work!

  2. GokuB Jan 13, 2006

    I like pics with her cuz she's very cute^^.ooo icecream sounds good ^^.lol

  3. aishiteraburu Jan 15, 2006

    wow darkaeon
    long time no wall
    mefeuile looks really good
    though i have to agree with masamune the
    scan hasn't been extracted properly
    but still cool effects

  4. Zarriff Jan 15, 2006

    Nicely done. Excellent twist on the tech design of yours. Suggestions woul be cleaning up the scan a bit, and probably adjusting the levels/curves/hue & saturation to intensify and balance the colors since the bg seems a bit on the light side.

  5. nitus Feb 06, 2006

    great wall! milfeulle is very cute >.<

  6. PrairieDogGuy2006 Apr 05, 2006

    Forgive for not knowing what to look for in "Extraction" process of a pix. What I do know this is a real nice pix. Nicely done ! Hope to see more of your werk ! Thanxs !

  7. dking75 May 21, 2006

    nice wall, milfeulle even looks good eating icecream

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