
Galaxy Angel Wallpaper: Millfeuille chan

Kanan, Madhouse, Broccoli, Galaxy Angel, Milfeulle Sakuraba Wallpaper
Kanan Mangaka Madhouse Studio Broccoli Studio Galaxy Angel Series,Game Milfeulle Sakuraba Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I use the Flower background. I think it suite with the bouquet that Millfeuille takes.

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  1. ryang Nov 22, 2005

    Yo.. Beautiful and cute.. i like it.. :)

  2. Michelle Nov 22, 2005

    It`s a beautiful wallpaper.
    I love it.

  3. rafaellaGP Nov 22, 2005

    i love it!
    very cute...
    the bg is so beautiful, really nice...
    good work^^

  4. uragayduck Nov 23, 2005

    very nice! flowers always look good with millfy.

  5. Acuni Nov 23, 2005

    not bad not bad
    i like the bg and also the composition and the light there
    hope to see more

  6. atog Nov 24, 2005

    dude i cant get enough of the galaxy angels.. nice work...
    on the flip side the scan could use a little fixing. i think the pick still looks like it was just cliped and stuck on the background.
    the BG looks nice and goes well with the pic. :)

  7. Pisces Nov 26, 2005

    Millfeuille chan lovely >_< . I like GA very much ^_^.
    Thank for sharing.

  8. GokuB Nov 30, 2005

    Wow I really like this wallpaper ^^.You did good her with this background.*adds to favs*

  9. Valcrion Dec 01, 2005

    milfuelle is so pretty in this picture. =) good job!

  10. Fiery27 Dec 02, 2005

    so lovely lol
    I think that the background go really well with her clothes and hair color. love it

  11. vanilla-h Dec 06, 2005

    Kawaii! I really like the background, too. :3

  12. Frosty Dec 12, 2005

    thats a very cute looking wallie of Millfeuille-san. ^^
    nice bg for a cute pic this one. ^^
    good work.
    *9.3 and Grade A* for a great looking wallie. ^^

  13. TaruKirip Feb 04, 2006

    Lovely wallpaper^^

  14. yamamotoyohko Mar 26, 2006

    Great wallpaper. I love the painting style background. Good job!

  15. PrairieDogGuy2006 Aug 07, 2006

    Millfeuille looks so precious with the bouquet in her hands. She shows the true meaning of happiness and joy, just look at her face, pure innocence and untainted love. God, it's so beautiful, it's almost if she was shining with pure radiance ! No S*** ! The flowers are soo beautiful, I don't care if I bankrupt my credits, "I'm going for it D***** ! @___@! How can I be mad and angry when I see someone smile at me, not out of pity or malice, but out of real Love.

    Just seeing the flowers in the B/G and behind Millfeuille, love the shades of purple, they make your wallie more pleasing to look. This is not just going into my "FAV" files, I'm going to make this my "Wallie for the Day !" The trees, so gentle with their purplish leaves. When the leaves fall off from the trees, I can imagine that each leaf tells a story that only that leaf can tell of the seasons while it was alive and taking in CO 2 and in the process, giving off O 2. As I inhale the life giving air, I inhale the beauty and happiness of the forest. Yeah, I am feeling the effects of clean, wholesome air that only nature can give, then so be it ! Makes me want to go out for a long quiet walk in the woods. Sigh !

    Millfeuille looks so cute and I thank U for sharing the wallie and also recommending me to your site, Sasaki-san ! I can see that you have some real "Gems" of artwerk !

    Dozo Arigatoo Gozaimasu, Sasaki-san ! Yoroshiku onegai shimasu @___@ !

  16. DSL367 Nov 25, 2006

    Lovely; Milfeulle's so adorable with the flowery background.
    Really luv it; Faves a lot. I like Milfeulle a lot :) ~!

  17. sakura-chan0103 Oct 26, 2009

    i like it!
    so lovely.... ^^

  18. verotchka Nov 24, 2009

    beele, jolie, coquette, bravo demoiselle! and NICE too!

  19. surfinternet222 Oct 14, 2010

    >//////////////////< lovely girl

  20. CrazyMialuvsAnime Jan 17, 2011

    nice background really like it thanx for sharin

  21. 790806014 Jan 30, 2011

    Yo.. Beautiful and cute.. i like it.. :)

    merged: 01-30-2011 ~ 09:21am
    very nice! flowers always look good with millfy.

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