
Guilty Gear Wallpaper: Dizzy At Night

Guilty Gear, Dizzy Wallpaper
Guilty Gear Game Dizzy Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Another attempt in making a scenery wallpaper. This is my second time to make this kinds of wallpaper. Im not really good at making this. But I want to improve. lol.

Its dizzy from Guilty Gear. I just love her .

Feel free to add some advice. It would be really nice. ^_^

I hope you guys like this one. ^_^.

GAH!!! I forget to credit the images. I found the scan somewhere. I forgot where though. Paints are great. Thanks to Imanimetions for such a whonderful tree paint. And Photoshop tutorials too. ^_^

*edit (09/01/05) *
Thanks for the comments guys. i saw my mistakes and ill try to edit them. Ill update this image when I have time. ^_^

*edit (09/02/05)*
I edited this one. I did what the members to edit. Thanks for those people who gave me advices!! i hope you like this one. ^_^

Updated the wallpaper. I just removed the leaves and made the tree in the background more darker.

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  1. LilLaoRyo704 Sep 02, 2005

    hmm nice wall, like the scan, she's cute and the background is okai, jus work on the tree's alittle, but overall, everything looks great, ja-ne

  2. silent1134 Sep 03, 2005

    It's a real improvement over the previous one...the zooming in and the increase of the fireflies are a nice touch...but the trees in the back ground are still a little off...i mean since the trees are at a distance it would be near pitch black and you wouldnt be able to see if its brown or not...also since u have all those fireflies, u might wanna lose the leaves since they kinda clash with each other...great job tho...u dont see many original wallz around these days...keep up the good work...

  3. Sakura0chan Sep 04, 2005

    You really improved. The color of the grass now blends with the background. ^^
    And I also like the fireflies. :) But I'm not still sure about the tree.
    Anyway, you did a good job. ^^ Keep it up. I know uou will get better. :D

  4. Bojack Restricted Member Sep 05, 2005

    it's great.....this is going to my favs section and my desktop.....great job.

    P.S...I LOVE DIZZY!!!

  5. ipio Mute Member Oct 30, 2005


  6. Hajinmon Oct 31, 2005

    nice background LUV DIZZY! XD

  7. kyte1230 Apr 25, 2006


  8. Spoo May 31, 2006

    I really like the pic you started with and the way you set everything up ^_^ Thanks and good luck in the future! ^^\/

  9. dragon121407 May 27, 2009

    Love tihs pic

  10. Hakimichan Jun 10, 2009

    DIZZY! <3 omg I love her. Awesome wallie! Love the colors you picked, it all looks very good together X3

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