Blame me, eh? XD
i got nothing to say about this other than awesome. You might wanna fix the Morphine's Scent and Survival of the Fittest part though.
I'll fav this later. ^_^''
yeah...finally made a pre-war entry last night (finished at 4:00 a.m)
just looking for some appropriate scan in the gallery then I realized I already have one XD
this guilty gear poster was the winner of a contest. I only changed the atmosphere a little and do the usual
The text placement can be a little weird but believe me; this is probably my best placement so far -_-
anyways...I think the image is very appropriate for the contest. sine there ll be only one team winning; I couldn't
think any better titles.
I won't be making any walls till W.A.R...I can't make one anyways. I have to guide the noobs in my university
for 13 days from now on.that means I am going for some time or...I only have my night-time to comment on peoples works
till the contest.
well...take care people
and this wall is dedicated to all W.A.R participants but especially white-zero he started all of this pre-war madness
in the first place.
Mafia Plug:
Member: ryannzha
Wall: Furikuri..Melodiez of truth!
Reason:this is what we call "dark mood" the darkness with the
ice blue in this.
Browse Guilty Gear Gallery: Recent | Popular.
Blame me, eh? XD
i got nothing to say about this other than awesome. You might wanna fix the Morphine's Scent and Survival of the Fittest part though.
I'll fav this later. ^_^''
Hei !!! This is so good nice .Not BAD for me.It background is perfeat for this picture.
It's effect...
I'll put this wallie to my fav...
see ya later.
great work man
the effects made well :o
i will fav it later ^_^'
Now this wallpaper goes straight on my desktop. The art is great, the MOOD is great, the colors are great. Maybe the only note I could make, that sword could have some different hues along its length. Since the sky is so varied, maybe a little variation in the hues of the sword would be great, so that it reflect the differences of light.
But that's about it. A definite favorite. And it's a good things you guys are so pumped up about WAR. I think it will be great :D
nice one, fuku! i luv the turbulence of the sky, and there's quite a deadly and ominous feel to your wall! :D
So cool... you made that "survivaler" stand out so good, he looks so awesome and cute. You really made the sky fit good ^_^. Its really really nice. And good luck with your 'noobs' xD lol.. I also wont have alot of time anymore... My school starting tomorrow... *cry*.
it's awesome!!!!
nice wall....thanks for sharing....
Awesome wall, but the text (as you have pointed out) looks a bit weird, but other than that, I think this is really nice ;D agreed with Keltosh on the sword thingy :) great work as always ^^
evet canim buna ne demeli???
korkma bu benim ikinci kimliyim ... ne zanetin ??? sana fav vermeden durabilirmiyim ??? olmaz katiyen
a wondeful work i see again from u the red sky ohhhhh OX OX OX i love it
i will see one day a tutorial from u how we can make a so great sky XD dear friend!!! you=so good!!
i love this wall!! great job! the bg and the scan fit very well!!
This is great fukushuusha! ^^ I love the artwork, and the colors of the sky. They are beautiful! The sky is really well done. And well, overall, I think it's awesome.
another wallie I wanna fave right now.. >_< So glad that your a representative of the awr!! your skills are amazing.. XD so we'll fight XD The atmosphere is great.. and the whole wallie looks like a piece of art.. *__*
why cant i add the work to my fav?? this wally is soo good:) as always... the scan and the bg fits perfectly ( i mean it's like a manga scan but the grungy bg fits it)
very nice wall nice use of colours and the scanis gr8 well done. + favs
it looks like blood in the sky>.< and the atomsphere.. and the yellow are like dust form the fighting.. wahh>.< just so coolXD love the sky! and the way you blended the sword in the sky looks great! and love the the scan you've used also! btw like the title too... theory of darwin, right?>.< awsome job!
Now that's one awesome wallpaper, I like the background you chose to use it really fits the image well.
I love the background! The colors are awesome and the scan is great! Wish I could make wallies like you ^_^
Excellent job!
whoa!!!!! it's Ky-Kiske!!!!! XD XD XD XD XD
he's my favorite character in this game!! XD XD
the bg you made is awesome!!
i just love the blasting flames and the 'redness' of the wall!!!
it's just toooooooooooo cooooooooolllll!!!! XD XD
another awesome work!!!!
i'll add it to my favs for sure!! but now i cannot add cause, there is a new rule where a member only can fav an
artwork 10 times in a week T_T
don't worry i'll add it for sure!!
Lovely lovely! Keltosh and bbls said extactly what I was thinking so I have nothing else to add.
nice one XD its got this firey bloody look, perfect for WAR ^^
at first i woulda said the scan was a bit grainy but it matches great with the bg and the grungey style.
lol and our group name is the first on the list XD nice =P
good luck with the noob-guiding >_<
i would fav this but the new rule stops me XD so i'll wait a bit ^^
i LOVE the atmosphere and the rough texture <3
he looks hot ... x3 if there was a sexiiee girl there .. *-* itd be hottterr!!
wow the scan totally suits the theme..
he looks very if he's looking down upon others...LoL XP
the atmosphere and the texture is great...
how come the sword is so red? blood >< ahhh LoL
but overall it's another great wall from u!~ sugoi
-- how come can't add to said "service failed" or something...i guess i'll add it lata..
nice wall. i love the way you made the sky. the colors look great. great job!
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