
SaiKano Wallpaper: Tears of Fate

Shin Takahashi, SaiKano, Chise Wallpaper
Shin Takahashi Mangaka SaiKano Series Chise Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

oke..this comment is copy pasted ~_~"......

Finally, it's done. this is my latest wallpaper. I've setted up a challenge for myself with this wall. I choosed a scan that needs some fixing and I'm trying a mix of styles for the bg, for the second time. (the first time was kinda...a failure XP) so this is also a experiment wallpaper...kinda...

This is the original scan I used. First I've fixed the missing parts, but this step was useless...wasted my time=/..cause I realised the quality was just crap. so I traced it, after that I did cg on my own. the scan wasn't detailed enough and the missing parts are kinda annoying, so it was kinda imagination work. I tried to make the wings and the gun looks smoother and shiny. The gun and the wings where airbrushed and I used the burn and the dodge tool for the tones and stuff. I only vectored the body of chise, so that would look flat, so it will make the gun and the wing looks better. the work on this scan was painful.

The bg is a mix of grunge, some little techy and abstract look. this is acutally the first real grungy wallpaper I've made. I made the grunge brushes myself, it's just 2. the buildings and the big wing looking thing are made with the pentool. I've used 2 textures in this wallpaper.

I want to create a sad dark tone wallpaper, I think I kinda reached my goal.
I want to thank:
Tama-Neko for the textures (got from Da!) and the last eye check.
Shinn: for suggestion to fix the scan(actually wasted my time...but...it was fun, lol)
The people who supported me.

Useless faqs:
Layers: scan= 80+ wallpaper= 59
Time: scan= 1 month wallpaper= 3 days

Ow btw...the green big wing thingy looks like having white edges, I cleaned it up. The white stuff you see now, are created by the grunge brushes on the back.

More resolutions coming at: suki-sanctuary

Edit: forgot to put the urls ~_~"...

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  1. rocknroll-isgo Aug 20, 2005

    Copying and pasting from AP because Rockiee is a lazy mofo:

    Geez, when you showed me the clean up of the scan, I thought that was impressive in itself --- this background is a definite bonus. Awesome texture/abstract/grunge work; it all seems to fit together. Hard to tell what's going on though. XD
    And it may just be a personal opinion, but I think it would have looked better as a while if you just went with grunge on the objects instead of abstract as the abstract looks a bit off on the buildings/ground.

    Still, you best work yet, MC. ^_^ Do continue to challenge yourself.

  2. MuZ0NaZ Aug 20, 2005

    I think you really succeeded in making a sad, dark toned wp and it far surpasses all of your other walls to date >_>

  3. white-zero Aug 20, 2005

    OMG. Dude. This one is just awesome. I really do appreciate the efforts you put in this one. Especially the scan.

    The only minor complaint is the grunge sky. You could add more stuff to it.

    Overall, this wall is worth loads of fav. Great work, man!

  4. Skillzpay Aug 20, 2005

    Like I was telling you on msn, by far your best wall so far. Clearly all that hard and tedious work paid off. The tracing, cg, etc you did on the scan is absolutely fabulous man, you definitely can tell a lot of effort was put into that. I'm liking the textures, really gives the wall an overall nice feel. The only thing that kinda irks me are the buildings cause they look too simple and the texture on them looks a bit odd. Aside from that this is some kick ass work from you bud :D

  5. Sandra Aug 20, 2005

    Amazing work on the bg , nice textures and grunge style.
    Great job on the scan too (I'm workin on the same scan at the moment) .
    I guess that it was a really hard work from you.
    Really great job
    This time no critique because wall is incredible.
    Only thing that woulkd be nic is fog because teh down part of the girlkinda don't fits with the textured grunge ground.
    Over this small thing , still a good job

  6. Yina Aug 20, 2005

    wow.. sugeee.. O__O the atmosphere is amazing.. love the composition and the idea.. it looks perfect to me.. overall excellent work, +fav XD

  7. sukie Aug 20, 2005

    wow...wow...very pretty!!!! i love the whole morbid style to this wall!! =P
    the scan and bg fit very well together!!!
    you go my friend!!

  8. shyxsakura Retired Moderator Aug 20, 2005


    your best wallie ever <3


    everything ish good <3 love the atmosphere and tone! greaattuuu job!

  9. gundragon Aug 20, 2005

    Cool wall MC! ^_^
    Wow the background is a beautiful match with the girl!
    and really really cool looking gun ^_^
    Sweet work

  10. chau-chan Aug 20, 2005

    Wonderful job...
    The contrast is well done, the shading is good too.
    You did a great job, with the wallpaper
    I love it...

  11. chisana Aug 20, 2005

    Wow, it's amazing!! You sure worked a lot on the scan, it looks perfect now ^_^
    I love every effect you made and also the grungy and abstract bg.
    Everything is perfect, thanks for making it!!! <3 ^_^

  12. gilesaquil Aug 20, 2005

    When I first saw the wall, I said "how sad..."
    And since that was your goal with this, well, you really succeeded then. ^^
    I've also taken a look at the scan you used, and you really did a good job in cleaning it up! Looked like painfully hard work, but it paid off, I believe. ^^
    a really superb wall from 'ya! ^^

  13. walkure245 Aug 20, 2005

    Wowow~ You put so much effort into this. ^_^ I really love the way it look and the textures are so beautifully done. The abstract bg matches will with the theme of the wallie, which show technology in a sad light. Really wonderful work and that work really paid off!

  14. semanga Aug 21, 2005

    that is a really great work from u
    i love it very much and put it to my fav

  15. Criox Aug 21, 2005

    A grunge wallie ye? Hehehe! MC its a long time since last wallie. Not bad! Its really beautiful. Specially the scan. I like the robo girl alot. Not knowing her name therefore I called her this. Keep it up then.

  16. Midori-chan Aug 21, 2005

    hello!!!! it's been a long time since i last saw your wallie^^
    this one looks great!!! you use a lot of effects and it turned out good!! you sure put in a lot of efforts^^ gota add this to my favs XD XD
    hope to see more cool wallies from you MC-san^^
    c ya~

  17. motoko Aug 21, 2005

    Ohoh, Nice concept, I really like it.
    Besides, the scan is quite cool :d
    + fav
    I really like the BG you made, and the texture you put on it turns it great.
    Keep it up my friend! I want to see more :p

  18. ayanechan Aug 22, 2005

    i'm lazy like rockie as well XD:

    *eat the wallpaper*

    the colours don't agree with my tummy too much maybe it's just me? but i'd prefer it if there was a different selection of colours. great job on tracing chise's "thingies" (the green and the silver one) XD i also think that the blue things behind her (supposedly buildings) would look better ask spikes.

  19. asan Aug 22, 2005

    Amazing work! this one looks great and cool You did a great job! keep it up1

  20. Iyasis Aug 22, 2005

    ...I think your wall hates me, only half of it would download the first couple of times >.>

    First off, you did an amazing job with the scan, it took such a long time o_O but it definitely was worth it. The background is nice as well, the grunge/abstract look is quite fitting. I like how you have textures over the building instead of windows an other architectural elements. Some of them are really pointy, wouldn't want to fall on those ones, lol. The maroon-ish sky looke has some cool effects as well. Although I don't really like this style of wallpaper, you've done such a great job and it's evident you put a lot of time and effort into this, so ~&fav

    (P.S. you spelt your site wrong in the wallpaper ^^;;)

  21. heavens-Dragon Aug 23, 2005

    Wowies, I can tell alot of effort went into this wallpaper and it really paid off!
    Awesome work cleaning the scan, it looks cleaned and much better! And the vector looks really great! The sky is simply awesome, I like the mix of grudge and abstract. The only thing that bothers me is the buildings, they look kind of odd. But overall, it's awesome! The best of your work!

  22. rythem Aug 24, 2005

    *seen the ori scan* O.O sugoii ~ ~
    really great job on fixing the scan ... worth that month' time .. *.*
    the wall looks nice...luv the grungy effects~ the atmosphere is very fitting ne~
    wish I could fav it..but I reached my fav limit ^_^;

  23. ventures Aug 24, 2005

    looks really good ~
    the scan looks great ~ u did a really good job in cleaning it ^_^
    lovely use of texture for the bg ~

  24. fukushuusha Aug 25, 2005

    I am too lazy even to copy paste from AP XD
    a gorgeous wall from MC...that's all ;)

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