oke..this comment is copy pasted ~_~"......
Finally, it's done. this is my latest wallpaper. I've setted up a challenge for myself with this wall. I
choosed a scan that needs some fixing and I'm trying a mix of styles for the bg, for the second time. (the first
time was kinda...a failure XP) so this is also a experiment wallpaper...kinda...
This is the original scan I used. First
I've fixed the missing parts, but this step was useless...wasted my time=/..cause I realised the quality was just
crap. so I traced it, after that I did cg on my own. the scan wasn't detailed enough and the missing parts are
kinda annoying, so it was kinda imagination work. I tried to make the wings and the gun looks smoother and shiny. The
gun and the wings where airbrushed and I used the burn and the dodge tool for the tones and stuff. I only vectored the
body of chise, so that would look flat, so it will make the gun and the wing looks better. the work on this scan was
The bg is a mix of grunge, some little techy and abstract look. this is acutally the first real grungy wallpaper
I've made. I made the grunge brushes myself, it's just 2. the buildings and the big wing looking thing are
made with the pentool. I've used 2 textures in this wallpaper.
I want to create a sad dark tone wallpaper, I think I kinda reached my goal.
I want to thank:
Tama-Neko for the textures (got from Da!) and the last eye check.
Shinn: for suggestion to fix the scan(actually wasted my time...but...it was fun, lol)
The people who supported me.
Useless faqs:
Layers: scan= 80+ wallpaper= 59
Time: scan= 1 month wallpaper= 3 days
Ow btw...the green big wing thingy looks like having white edges, I cleaned it up. The white stuff you see now, are
created by the grunge brushes on the back.
More resolutions coming at: suki-sanctuary
Edit: forgot to put the urls ~_~"...