
SaiKano Wallpaper: She, the ultimate weapon

Shin Takahashi, SaiKano, Chise, Shuuji Wallpaper
Shin Takahashi Mangaka SaiKano Series Chise Character Shuuji Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

She, The ultimate weapon
entre larme et peine
ton visage pour la nuit
ton amour pour la vie

A great colaboration between me and Anji, i made the background and Anji, the vector.
all comments (and +fav) are welcome :P

the vector: http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/141587/

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  1. Asahi Jul 11, 2005

    excellent work done ~ both. congratcs ! sorry i am a bit lazy in writing long comments if i dont find a fault in it ^.^

  2. FALH Jul 11, 2005

    tres jolie wallpaper
    le bg est assez special,se demarque des autres...tres original et c une bonne chose !!!
    le scan de la fille est superbe !!!

    +fav pour ce magnifique wallpaper

  3. meteorcloud Jul 11, 2005

    great wallpaper here~! nice collab, pulled out a nice potential of the scan. the background is nice, the sky looks great~! nice texture and the vector work is superB~! great wall~!

  4. llilliathari Jul 11, 2005

    Quand je vois ce wall ca me fait encore penser a la derniere scene de l'anime...:(

    Je ne trouve decidement rien a redire sur le scan, ni sur le background qui est magnifique, d'autant plus que j'aime beaucoup le decalage entre la nettete de l'image et le flou du fond.

    Super collaboration. ^^
    Si vous voulez recommenecer ne vous genez pas c'est un plaisir pour les yeux!
    favoris, favoris et encore favoris. :)

  5. khatuido Jul 11, 2005

    ouah ça c de wall balese XP ca met du temps a charger!! enfin une fois charger on est heureux de trouver cela.

    c'est vraiment super. chapeau !!!

  6. L3g Jul 11, 2005

    que dire? une tel collaboration ne peut donner que de grandes chose non?
    Bon j'ai deja complimenter Anji c'est a ton tour maintenant :)
    alors ... euu c'est trop trissste :) non serieusement il est plutot deprimant ... je ne sais pas ce qui c'est passer entre ces deux personnages mais ca avait l'aire intense!! le vecteur transmet deja une certaine emotion mais avec le bg ... c'est magnifique !!
    comme dirai Khat ca met du tps a charger ... mais ca vaut vraiment le coup
    bravo .... ya juste un tit truc que j'aime moins .. c'est le blanc en bas a droite ... mais bon c'est quand meme tres joli ;)
    allez hop jte lache un fav :D

  7. Ceridwen Jul 11, 2005

    Ouaaaaaah ! La vectorisation on dirait le vrai !!!!! Si je n'avais pas su, j'aurais cru que c'etait une artwork officiel !
    Le background bravo, tres reussi !!! J'aime beaucoup les petits bouts de bambous facon encre de chine et la texture est vraiment sympa
    Exceeeeeeeeeeellent job ! Very very beautiful !!! *applause* A really cute team job

  8. seta_chan Jul 11, 2005

    great vector by Anji, and great background by you. i like the detail in the sky, and in the area surrounding them.
    great job ^^

  9. seta_chan Jul 11, 2005

    great vector by Anji, and great background by you. i like the detail in the sky, and in the area surrounding them.
    great job ^^

  10. motoko Jul 11, 2005

    O.O wow... that's a great shot Maverick!
    I love the concept, and the vector is everything but bad :D
    Great job to both of you! +fav

  11. rocknroll-isgo Jul 11, 2005

    Good Lord, this is amazing. The scene is just so well put together. The grungy, dusty look is perfect for the image, too.

    Definite fav, Kawai. ^^

  12. ayaki Jul 11, 2005

    omg..the background looks awesome!~
    it totally matches with the perspective of the scan.
    the grungy texture compliments the vector too....makes them stands out more >_<
    i luv the bamboo and the swallows.....very cool choice here...
    excellent wall this is... @_@

  13. luckywhale Jul 11, 2005

    Et bien evidemment, puisque je passe chez Anji pour voir son petit dernier, je suis bien oblige de passer ici, et bien bravo a toutes les deux!

    C'est un beau fond que tu nous as fait, ou je dirais plutot de bons plans, avec le lire au devant, plutot classe cette perspective globale, "clap clap clap" comme chez anji, pas de jalouse! ;-)

  14. jacadcaps Jul 11, 2005

    Wow, this wallpaper simply rules. Awsome background, I really like the book.

  15. shyxsakura Retired Moderator Jul 11, 2005

    oh, so you're the one who made the mai hime wallie? i loved that wall when it first came out <3 and i love your walling style ...

    this wall rocks <3 i LOVE the font ... *-* ............... <33

    i love the box and everything ;3 great job!

  16. Rella Jul 12, 2005

    Oooh...that looks sooo beautiful!! I love the background scene and the nice vector! Both are so nicely done. It's definitely going to my favorites! ^^

  17. Electrastar Jul 12, 2005

    I own the entire series of Saikano. It's so sad and touching and it's one of the few animes that made me think...This is so remenicent of the ending of the series, it's rare to see a wallpaper take it's roots in scenes from the actual anime, so this is truly awsome.

  18. flyindreams Jul 13, 2005

    Nice! Vector looks fantastic, and I love the background~ very original, and loving the orange-y dust ^.~ The only thing that I'm not sure about is the huge white petal (?) next to the girl's feet mostly 'cause I'm not sure what it is ^^|| But it's a very, very neat wall, and looks great on my laptop ^.^ Congrats! Both you and anji did an awesome job ^.~

  19. Sankofa Aug 23, 2005

    Je viens de voir le vecteur de ce scan et le fond que tu as fait complete parfaitement cet oeuvre !

    Tres bon boulot !

  20. eiensoft Oct 06, 2005


  21. Sabbathiel Jun 04, 2006

    I aded this wallie to my favs years ago ;-p but I heven't wrote a comemnt.. i will comment it now: This wallpaper is awesome, beautifull and amazing, I love this anime and this walie in this stile is perfect!

  22. x-lawss Jun 19, 2007

    I was looking for this, thanks to you i find it XD

  23. wizardsky Dec 01, 2009

    thanks for sharing......:)

  24. menadavid Apr 16, 2010

    gracias bonita imagen jeje

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