I wanna play too.
BTW my bro wants to start another private server, so if you wanna play, just wait, there's been some problems with the computer.
my new ragnarok wall.........I miss my party my friends in ragnarok online......I dedicate this wall to them.......luv yah all.
Browse Ragnarok Online Gallery: Recent | Popular.
I wanna play too.
BTW my bro wants to start another private server, so if you wanna play, just wait, there's been some problems with the computer.
I like the cat hat the girl in the back is wearing^^
I like the background and the font is pretty :D
The background is really cool. And I really like the font you used, it is nice. I like this wallpaper, it is extremely cute. Great job. ^^
Very pretty wallpaper! I love the background. :) Especially the lines. ^__^
The characters are so cute! XD
Keep up the good work! :)
waiiiiiii!! so cute! those characs beg to be drawn! oh, and ur back ground is really cool too,
this is so cute i love it
hmm cute wallpaper legnachi! It fits well with the title and the characters are cute! Greato!
So many chibis! XD This is really cute. The fun bg really matches the mood. Really nice work!
Wow, nice! ^^
i got a notebook (sterling spiral) with this image on it... ^^
And the background is very...party-conducive. ^^
Though I think the flowers look kind of out of place...just kinda. They don't ruin the wall.
Anyways, great work! +fav! ^^
wow, what a party situation here ^^ i like what u did for the bg ^^ +fav for sure hehehehe. nice charas as well
hmm cute wallpaper legnachi! It fits well with the title and the characters are cute! Greato
waaaaaaaaaa. chibi crusader, chibi rogue, chibi monk, chibi sage and the one in head phones must be chibi alchemist. waaaaaa :D i'm getting hooked on RO again :D
Great Artwork!
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