lol.. it's very hard to create a perfectly 'convincing' nature or scenery wall... like the trees, and the
grass... if you're going to be more realistic on those, the cartoony/anime effects would be lessened ^_^'
of course, the main part that is being the main obstacle of improving the whole scene, would be the perspective, and
viewing angle of the scene itself....
take the rock, for example,... it's now more blending to the background,... but some ppl would likely to say
it's strange-looking.... while it's actually less erroneous than the last one you made....
So, I think it's real nice as it is right now.... fixing it more would turn out to mess up the whole concept...
Well, now go get a new scan and make a new wall, I'm sure your idea would flow better than merely concentrating on
this one :)
anyways... nice job... okay, maybe not the best RO walls out there, but at least the effort shows ;)
Artist Comment
Well..... This wallpaper is to change the first one I was submit. I change the stone, repair the tree, modify the light effect and cloud., just use 1 bird near the cloud, give burn and dodge effect to the some part of chara, and many thing T_T . I hope I made less mistake this time.....
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KorganoS May 07, 2005
Kiako May 07, 2005
the stone looks much beter now you will have to practice more but it looks beter then the one before so that is a progress. but the stone could be a bit biger. and then the grass infront of the stone looks blury and in this case it may be disturbing, but just the part befor the stone. the clouds look nice even if they look "torn apart" on the left side.
and about the trees, i still don't like the type of the brown color and if i look at the leaves in the front of the tree on the right side their color isn't that good, in other words tehy don't fit in.
anyway it looks a bit beter then the last one. -
tareren May 07, 2005
Hey, you repaired the stone ^^ this one is better than the last one, you put so much thought and effort to it >.< agree with Kiako that stone needs to be bigger a bit .... keep up the spirit and effort XD
AgataMare Sep 01, 2005
Very nice wallpaper, the background is very cool. ^_^
Good job! :)
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