Omg!!! Now it's Iori.
You got a nice hand man, keep it up. Not again, there's something weird again on the lower left.
Second in my Divine Weapon series...
San Shingi no Ni or Second Divine weapon. Purple falmes of destruction are Iori's signature so this was my theme. Also, his Orochi descent explains the Shikai landmark. This is the NeoWave version of Iori.
I didn't used the 3D version of Iori because I already used it in my Yagami Iori wallie.
Browse King of Fighters Gallery: Recent | Popular.
Omg!!! Now it's Iori.
You got a nice hand man, keep it up. Not again, there's something weird again on the lower left.
Quote by AkaikenOmg!!! Now it's Iori.
You got a nice hand man, keep it up. Not again, there's something weird again on the lower left.
Are you drugs? j/k
Thanks man!!! What is it with the corners?
you did it again!
nice job on this one. the guy is masculine, the colors are great well what can i say great!
you really love KOF, don't you? ... anyway, i like the purple moon... contrasts the red background even though they're almost the same colors...
Quote by CleiraCravenLaen117you really love KOF, don't you? ...
That's why they call me the"King of Fighters"...
Hey great wall it is really good. Keep on doing what your doing and never stop. Love the bakcground color and texture. ^__^ :) :D :pacman:
Nice wallpaper again!! The background is so pretty! The colors are so cool.
Keep up the good work!! :D
Nice work jakulito, you do have a knit for special effect. I do like it and nice texture added. Cool!
Cool wallpaper hmm....Iroi looks kinda cute ^_^' i like what you did in the cresent moon or whatever it is. it looks pretty cool! ;)
Wow another nice Iori wall great effects in the bg this is a very nice wall.:)
Yea! I like KOF Street fighter all that capcom snit! I don't really like this dude but thats just me. Still good work on the compasition.
wowwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!! really good i like the background really great!!!! thanks for sharing!!!
I love the background. The scan is not really my type, I dunno, maybe seeing Iori on AtomisWave is not my thing.... yeah, I'm hella mad about it.....
The hell thingy is cool.
muy buen trabajo jakulito , el fondo esta genial,, y la luna le da el toque especial a iori :P
chao koala :)
wow,.... XD IORI
anu ung asa bangdang gilid? maliit na maliit na parang head figure nia? is it? anyway,.astig yung bg XD
muka paring insane sane ci IORI hehe,
XD astig pa yung bg...
genial mi personaje favorito iori
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