
King of Fighters Wallpaper: Frozen Inside

SNK, King of Fighters, Kula Diamond Wallpaper
SNK Studio King of Fighters Game Kula Diamond Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Well, this one seems more like wind than ice XP hohoho but I like it...weeell...I don't like thaaat much this scan found at www.kawaiidream.net but I think that fits what I was think for this wall *hugs you* Hope you like and leave a comment ;) see ya!!! XD

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  1. Koori-chan Feb 25, 2005

    So pretty XD
    love the effects and font and everything!
    Good job Mizu-mizu ^____^

  2. khatuido Feb 25, 2005

    ouah ouah ouah!!!!! The ligths effects are beautiful!!!
    il like it, i add in my favorit :)

  3. levezzali Feb 25, 2005

    the effects are very impressive, and just because it looks like wind it doesn't mean that it can't be frost, me for example, I am freezing here in my work because of the condicioned air.... and it's not ice, it's a very cold air... hehehe
    anyway, I liked your wall, just won't download it now because I am workig, hehe, but I can favorite it! xdddd

  4. Shinobu13 Banned Member Feb 25, 2005

    hum nice the effect, a little too white but good
    besides KOF is my favorite fighting game
    +1 to my fav ;)

  5. calisqo Feb 26, 2005

    nice effects to go with a nice kula scan

    The bg is very dynamic and has a nice tone to it.
    I think the monochormatic really enhance these qualities ^^
    Bit smoother perhaps on the scan to match the smooth bg.
    Other than that a cool wall ^_^ awesome

  6. Celessa Retired Moderator Feb 26, 2005

    Love the nice diamond-like ice effects from the wallpaper. You've done pretty well with it - actually. Perhaps even overdone it, apparently. But I don't mind. **Snickers**

    Kula looks amazing and the theme from the wall seems to shine very well with a lot of those sparkles, white mists, and bright lights thrown randomly in a lot of the right places, it seems. Great job. Keep up the good work.

  7. Evanrued Feb 26, 2005

    Hey this looks pretty good. I really like it. Infact I love it. I love the scan you used, and all the effects did. Excellent job!

  8. ynk Feb 28, 2005

    Hymmm... I really like the edition... the backgrund looks relly cool^^ but the girl... I don't really like her..:P s h ^^'

  9. mauronxius Oct 18, 2005

    nice effects ,, very nice effects .... :o

    chao koala :)


  10. biachunli Apr 02, 2010

    Really loved the colors used in, thanks

  11. ShaoranHiroshi Apr 13, 2010

    wow, nice wallpaper, love the icy feeling ^_^

  12. vanfanel Feb 26, 2011

    esta imagen de kula esta genial

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