
Kao no nai Tsuki Wallpaper: Starry

Carnelian, Pink Pineapple, Kao no nai Tsuki, Suzuna Kuraki Wallpaper
Carnelian Mangaka Pink Pineapple Studio Kao no nai Tsuki Series,Visual Novel Suzuna Kuraki Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Starry was the word that first came to mind when I looked at this after finishing it^^

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  1. Stolen Mar 20, 2005

    Hey Himeko,

    I've seen this scan before, it's beautiful. So kawaii! Anyway, the extraction is good, I love the way you've managed to get around all of the strands of her hair...quite a fiddly job! I'm not sure the hearts over the creatures head were in the original scan, but they just make this image even more kawaii!

    The background is cool, I think that the yellows really help blend in because of the same colour as the creature, and the stars are a nice abstract effect. However, it may be a little too bland for some, so try adding something else to it next time and experimenting with different ideas!

    Thank you for submitting it!

  2. Kitaan Retired Moderator Mar 20, 2005

    this one is cute though I feel the bg could use more effects on it and I don't like how the star's are but it's nice great job ^_^

  3. cathead17 Mar 20, 2005

    love the wall it is very cute XD

  4. zerosnow Apr 16, 2006

    great wallpaper
    but the star is not very nice
    anyway TQ for sharing

  5. Hinata803259 Jul 16, 2006

    Love Suzuna...she's mine >.<

  6. abelini4 Mute Member Aug 01, 2009

    lindo esse wallpaper ^_^...

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