
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Wallpaper: zaft soldiers

Sunrise (Studio), Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, Dearka Elthman, Athrun Zala, Yzak Joule Wallpaper
Sunrise (Studio) Studio Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Series Dearka Elthman Character Athrun Zala Character Yzak Joule Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

hi guys! this one is dedicated to all gundam seed lover ^_^ what do u think? hope yuo guys like it,thank u so much ^^

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  1. chibi-lizard Mar 19, 2005

    wah !!! yo-chan reallie improved a lot with this wallie !!
    the bg ish nicely done.. :)
    aegis ish nicely placed.. just that the outer glow on aegis shouldn't be there
    the extraction for them could be a lil better too.. but this ish minor.
    but overall... very nicely done !! :D
    a favvie from lizzie !! XD

  2. Kiako Mar 19, 2005

    the wallpaper looks nice, i like the background but i find the top and the botom part looks plaid

  3. Rella Mar 19, 2005

    Ooh, neat stuff you have in the middle bar. Great wallpaper! I like it. ^^

  4. Idril Mar 19, 2005

    woww good wall!! The background is great!! (the effects are crazy!!) and the characters are nice too!
    Good job!

  5. meteorcloud Mar 20, 2005

    Quote by chibi-lizardwah !!! yo-chan reallie improved a lot with this wallie !!
    the bg ish nicely done.. :)
    aegis ish nicely placed.. just that the outer glow on aegis shouldn't be there
    the extraction for them could be a lil better too.. but this ish minor.
    but overall... very nicely done !! :D
    a favvie from lizzie !! XD

    mc agrees with lizziee ^_^~!!!!!
    it looks nice =)
    but you cold add something extra on it ^_^~!
    keep the works =D~!

  6. hawkin May 19, 2005

    woww good wall!! The background is great!! (the effects are crazy!!) and the characters are nice too!
    Good job!

    thoe i might say its not my favor color on it. orange that is..

  7. KaiJule Jun 08, 2005

    oh my it's the Zafties >___<

    i love orange and I love the charas, so I love the wallie XDD
    anyway I think you did an awesome job! the effects are cool ^^

  8. lilichan Apr 06, 2007

    good! cast,background,everything that fit togeter seen perfect for this pic.

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