
Kingdom Hearts Wallpaper: Sephiroth Takes Aerith

Square Enix, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Final Fantasy VII, Kingdom Hearts, Cloud Strife Wallpaper

1280x1024 Wallpaper

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I loved the images from Kingdom hearts. Sephiroth steals Aerith from under Cloud's nose. Aerith knew of her sacrifice always, and never told the party of it. Even now shes is slowly embracing Sephiroths sword as cloud's heaven will soon come smashing down as hell itself sneaks behind and takes his heart.

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  1. SharinganKnight Mar 05, 2005

    wow thats as beautiful as it is creative, awesome job...*adds to favorites*

  2. Rella Mar 05, 2005

    I like the things in the back. It looks really nice. Great work on the wallpaper. Keep it up! ^^

  3. darkwaterbunny Mar 05, 2005

    Wowies, great wallpaper!! I love the effects that you used, the squares are something not a lot of people use ^_~. You did a great job with the background, looks really great and matchs really well with the scan. The extraction is also really good! Hmmm, the wings coming out of Aerith's back is a little random, you should take it off. Anyway, Aerith was in Kindom Hearts?? (<-- never played the game >.<) But anyway, great job with this!!Great job!!!fav!!!

  4. Kaori-Mitsuki Mar 13, 2005

    Lol! They look like they're in teh snow but I like the wall very much..the bg is very nice looks like there's a wing or sumthin in the back @.@

  5. lain Apr 22, 2005

    I love ff, and this wall is very well done, great job, hq images. ^^

  6. Caine091 Apr 30, 2005

    Sweet wallpaper! This just reminds me, I still gotta get Kingdom Hearts 2.

  7. Wuff May 04, 2005

    Thats a good wallpaper!
    I add it to my favorites :)
    And later times I will look at your other ones :)

  8. agentavenue Jun 09, 2005

    What a great pose; it's quite clean. I agree with darkwaterbunny; the wings are a little irrelevant, but this is otherwise a great wallpaper.

  9. bobobob Jun 24, 2005

    holy shiza, almost all the coolest charaters from ff7 and kingdom hearts ( did like aries though but she didnt heal me)

  10. android808 Jul 08, 2005

    Great job. Most of my favourite FF7 characters, all in their Kingdom Hearts guise. Roll on KH2 in the UK, I can't wait.

  11. clyne Jul 10, 2005

    great JOB! HAHA BUT I never liked aeris wouldnt IT BE COOL IF THEY PUT TIFA IN kingdomhearts 2? THAT would awesome! LOL THEY should PUT other FF CH IN kingdomherats AND SORA GETS TO USE 2 keyblades I think I SAW IT IN apicture SORA weilding 2 keyblades ISNT THAT awesome! auron GETS TO BE IN UR party too!

  12. yugi12 Jul 13, 2005

    Excellent wallpaper.
    Almost look like the three of them are a team.
    I really like the wing that was put on Aerith.
    She should be careful, she is about to cut her hand.

  13. Krew Jul 14, 2005


  14. moonelf313 Aug 11, 2005

    Wow! This is a really neat wallie, I love Kingdom Hearts can't wait for the sequel to come out...*sigh*taking so long to be released. *adds to favs*

  15. Yuri-Hyuga Sep 02, 2005

    ouaaaaaaaaah trop magnifique ce wallpaper je l'adore +fav ;)

  16. rituel Sep 16, 2005

    yeaaahh... how come everybody's got wings all of a sudden??

  17. lAyumil Oct 12, 2005

    Great wallpaper !
    It's too awesome and soooo unique O-O
    Such wonderfull effects . Ah ! I MUST fave it ! ^_______^

  18. Destiny001 Oct 24, 2005

    haha thats kool.............................. now every1 got wings..............................oO.............

  19. kimcad Dec 23, 2005

    oh hey splendid! i think they are the best character from FF.
    keep it up! fav+

  20. shiruchan Feb 23, 2006

    Ohh I like this wall!Great job!*O*Added to my fs!^_-

  21. RikuRox Jun 14, 2006

    Wow, very nice. I really like the wing on Aerith. And for the ppl whondering why there are wings: the black one is sephiroth's and the white on I am guessing was added to Aerith because she's like an angel... well, she is an angel, i guess

  22. Chem Jun 15, 2006

    Great wallpaper. And yes RikuRox, she is an angel. ^_^

  23. Lulu1010 Dec 15, 2006

    What a beautiful wallpaper! It's automatically in my favs! yay! ^-^

  24. cloudstrifekilledme Feb 21, 2009

    This is nice! -adds to fav-

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