Hey I like it
ahcja ist das da ein Indianerzelt? ^^ erkennt man schon aber bin mir nicht sicher ob das da so reinpasst! ^^ But it is very ncie I will give you a fav ;9 ^^
please come back home..i need you.. *missing her boyfriend* >_<.. I love all these indian posters (with a fullmoon and hawks and wolfs..) thaaaats why i created this wall ^_^ and it was too late again, 22 - 01 o'clock >_< and 30 layers (and 10 copies of layer 20..XD) found the scan on google, can't remember url of the site XD..
(woah i'm so bad in making descriptons.. .__.)
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Hey I like it
ahcja ist das da ein Indianerzelt? ^^ erkennt man schon aber bin mir nicht sicher ob das da so reinpasst! ^^ But it is very ncie I will give you a fav ;9 ^^
So it can be sorted properly, the scan is Isha from Ys: The Ark of Napishtim.
Stop making pretty walls please. Dx
I love, everything about it is perfect!
Stop it please. :(
++ fav
great.. freut mich das es nun doch gepostet hast . and you see 5 to 3 ... its not bad or. imo more pepole should regonize your work ~ its really good ^.^ i like the wallpaper concept. (gott mei english klingt jedesmal gleich lol xD sorry. ich finds jedenfalls klasse ~ thats it). und irgendwann moecht ich nen walli von dir a ma in den top favs sehen xD :nya: :nya: .
Oh very nice.I really like your new Wallie.Great Work with the Background.
The Moon and the nice looking birds going well with the Picture :D
Also a very warm Atmosphere.Add it to my Favs. XD
Great Job felesya :)
wooh!!! cool scan!!!!! i like the bg!!!!! its so fantastic!!! i like it very much!!
but do you have 1024x768 reso?!!! +fav! XD
i wanted to post a comment to your other wally...but i couldnt send it XD...now:
this wally is also really cool!! it has a nice feeling:) the planet and the sky is really beautiful...and of course the
scan is also very nice:)
Nice wall i like the background with the early morning/ before night? sky. I also like the girl too. Nice job keep it tp, Fav.
Ooh, this looks beautiful. The whole scenery in the background looks really nice. It matches the girl too, well done! ^^
Oh how lovely can this be? ALOT love the sweet text and pleaseant emotions in this wall a definite great work by you!
Awesome job as always Fel! XD
Oh how lovely can this be? ALOT love the sweet text and pleaseant emotions in this wall a definite great work by you!
Awesome job as always Fel! XD
Oh, this is super cool! ^^
i like the anime character!
She is cute, I also like the moon and
the colors are awesome!
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