
Kingdom Hearts Wallpaper: Pink Kairi

Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts, Kairi Wallpaper
Square Enix Studio Kingdom Hearts Game Kairi Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Yet another wallpaper from my old wall site. Minitokyo keeps dying when I try to upload it. ;o;

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  1. malenits Mar 01, 2005

    Kingdom Hearts!
    its so cool!
    and the wall too!

  2. Kaori-Mitsuki Mar 13, 2005

    I like it but it's a bit plain :| meaning the BG
    look like you did a cloud effect in the bg which is always nice effect.
    Wee sha woo Kairi!!
    kewl Wall

  3. nimiru Aug 21, 2005

    i like the simplicity of the bg
    not too much exaggeration of the color usage.
    great job.

    ( XD talkin' serious is sOoOoOo not me)

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