
Go Nagai Wallpaper: Chibi Mazinkaiser

Go Nagai Wallpaper
Go Nagai Mangaka

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I think ill stop right now, this wallpaper isn't what i expected , its been hell i don't know why . but i could never manage to make the background fit so i decided to keep it simple.
i've been trying for more tha n 2 days for it to be perfect but i give up.
i really apretiate any info on how to improve it keeping in mind the style im going with the other 3.

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  1. Kiako Feb 27, 2005

    the background looks great the red part looks very interesting and the colors you used match.

  2. RyomaNagare Feb 27, 2005

    thanks for your comment, i guess what happened was i wanted to make this wallpaper simplier like the psybuster one, but uts just kaiser its too barroque and powerfull so, i kept adding stuff, i had add some dinamic lines , like the ones i used for the other 3 wallpapers, it looked too cluttered. i d experimented with different kind of starfield planets and gaalxies , some downloaded some made, finally i created this little netupne like planet that i think kind of fits .
    the starfield is downloaded though

  3. longbowwing Banned Member Feb 28, 2005

    i thought this is from Super Robot Wars

    still wondering i see this mecha before.....from SRW

  4. RyomaNagare Feb 28, 2005

    well yes...

    but mazinkaiser its a design from go-nagai, as its the ultimate version of mazinger Z.
    he appeared for the first time in super robot wars F-Final, but had since had mangas and animes, so as a way of honoring the great master of all thats mecha, i decided to include it under his name.
    while i keep only srw originals under that category

  5. SHELLHEAD Mar 19, 2005

    This is, as the Chibi Getta one, the best of your walls, RyomaNagare. We will see on El Rincón de Garada XD

  6. asurastrike Nov 28, 2008

    the father of robots coooool XD

  7. NST1980 Apr 09, 2010

    This is be good at picture.

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