XD awesome........................................but a good work.^^keep it up.^^a little dark.
Artist Comment
Wow, two walls in two weeks...I really need to get started on my homework at some point. ^_^
Well, this one is with Shounen Bat from Paranoia Agent, which I watched all of this past Friday night. I was absolutely entranced with it, and I can't wait to buy it. Satoshi Kon is a horror god. And it's got Susumu Hirasawa-sama's music too! Yum yum!
Much inspiration was to be had from the lovely grungy walls of OracleAngel and DernierCri (whose Yoshitoshi ABe and
Yoshitaka Amano walls are TASTY.). Also thanks to everyone who downloaded/commented on my last wall, which I wasn't
too happy with. I'm happy with this one. ^_^
The Vitals:
Credits: Thanks to <a href="http://brushes.deviantart.com/journal/2877040/">Jenn's Sanity</a>
for the grungy and bloody Photoshop brushes. Paranoia Agent is (C) Satoshi Kon, Geneon, Madhouse, and probably other
people. "Terrible Lie" is a song by Nine Inch Nails from their album <I>Pretty Hate Machine</I>.
If you have finished the series and know the song, this title will make sense to you. If not, then you just need to
finish that series, now don'tcha? ^_^
Created in: Photoshop 7
Layer count: 41
Time in development: On an off over 3 days
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hongxiaoer Feb 23, 2005
jingjing1208 Feb 23, 2005
Haha,it's a dark wall,but still good!^_^ Keep it up!^_^
OrochiNeji Feb 23, 2005
the darkness looks good, nice work
OracleAngel Retired Moderator Feb 24, 2005
OMG a new Yoshitoshi Abe series i have to watch and get someday...What i thought the guy with the bat was a kid...guess it was a middle age weird guy does the trick! :) Anyway the grunge composition is pretty good for a first or second at it i think but needs better coordination between the lights and darks rather than just putting one up to another but hey good job on this...will be waitng for some scans though >_>
Keep it up! -
Archspectre Jun 13, 2005
Nice job Kaidou. I really like the background and title which goes well with the mood of Lil' Slugger (Shounen Bat). Keep up the great artwork and enjoy MT!
uete-bijutsuka Jul 17, 2005
sdfgsdkjfhisd viksd foisd jflkjsiod f;lsdjfopjsd l ksdjfk ljdoi ;l sdiufiwe ljuowa aoasof askjfi s;lfjopasf jl;asdfkopj ljfopewjfpo sjojf sl;fmop fowekf ;sfo9ie ;l s;ljfpose fsdfkihuayfio s;dljfpos jdf';v opsd ...i wonder if thats 64 characters long... good wall its not dark
rapchee Jul 26, 2005
i havent finished paragent yet but i love it
but it seems to me, that my favourite animes are the least walled ones ... wonder why
isnt this wall a bit of a spoiler btw?
*edit: i cant read
OddyKnocky Oct 08, 2005
Paranoia Agent is amazing, so it's great that the small amount of wallpapers of it that are up are equally good. Nice one
PuffAngel Jun 06, 2006
This stuff gives me nightmares....xD
belencat193746825 Restricted Member Jan 02, 2008
*-*wow i love paranoia agent nice wall! is so cool!
Nice Job!Neko Girl~~!
nanaa-chan Nov 29, 2008
wow sugoiiiiiii nice job!
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