Oh!!! It's sucha CUTE image of Kohaku and he's beloved one (sorry... forgot u're name... ~_~;)
clamp made us a reall obvious shounen-ai series this time!!! Yey!!! go wish! ^^
I scanned this from the Clamp South Side artbook.
Browse Wish Gallery: Recent | Popular.
Oh!!! It's sucha CUTE image of Kohaku and he's beloved one (sorry... forgot u're name... ~_~;)
clamp made us a reall obvious shounen-ai series this time!!! Yey!!! go wish! ^^
Ohhh! I love Wish and I love this scan too. It is so pretty.
aww how cute. i dont know much about this manga but it sounds intersting.
thanks for sharing this scan :)
aw.. it's so cute! especially the guy.. forgot his name.. i know he's a doctor though..hmm
His name is Shuuichirou, Shuuichirou Kudou. And this is BEAUTIFUL!
The transparency... it make her look so fragile and delicate that the wind from a butterfly's wings would be enough to make her disappear forever...
;O! estaba buscando esta imagen hace tiempo gracias!
Thank you for the awesome scan ^__^
It's so cute!*.* Thanks for sharing!
merged: 11-07-2010 ~ 04:05pm
It's so cute!*.* Thanks for sharing!
this is such a cutie image. I love both of them.
thanks 4 posting
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