Wow. Fantastic!
Artist Comment's another one of my scenic walls, made with the same framework as the [Waiting] one. I did my best to make a bg from scratch again. Only I can't make a certain part of it so it is a stock, try finding it if you can. Anyways, after the setting was made I decided to give it a magical feel hence the product you see now. I don't really like the text covering up the bg so I went to a partiaol screenshot effect again. At least you see more of the bg this time. lol Well, have fun.
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i-am-good May 09, 2004
Shota May 09, 2004
heh everyone knows how much of a pain in the ass it is to make a bg from scratch
great work, as usual
Zabel May 09, 2004
hmmm ... me like it ^_^
kc2 May 09, 2004
I lke a lot this one! Good work! ^_^
Angel May 09, 2004
Beautiful work. I like the moon and the scheme for this.
gendo1 May 09, 2004
An enchanting peice of artworrk that deserves more than a small few small words. The colors are extraordinarily relaxing and yet innovative in design. The character matches the moon in beauty, and I will surely keep this one as my wallpaper until Zuri-Chan's next product. Well Done. My hat is off.
recca May 09, 2004
really nice :)
Taurec May 09, 2004
Woohoooo Zuri .. i love it .. back in action
TheWizzard May 09, 2004
Great :)
JPeXiS May 09, 2004
wow really nice thx for uploading this
ProjectZero May 09, 2004
very nice
i love these scenic wallpapers ^^
great stuff -
Albatross1 May 09, 2004
Wow! I like the mystical background :)
Kintarooe2k2 May 09, 2004
excellent work ! character and the bg matched perfectly :)
Yura May 10, 2004
beutiful and awesome
i really like it
D4RK-M45t3R May 10, 2004
very pro-like way. I wonder how long it took 2 do this?
Adrima May 10, 2004
may May 11, 2004
Wahh.. kireeeeei!! Really great job with the mystic effects and the starry night. I think it's a little busy for me though ^^;; .. that's just me o_O; .. it'd be nice to have more focus on something. Nonetheless~ It's a fantastic piece, and I love the moon.. the atmosphere on this one is lovely~
Twinlord May 11, 2004
Awesome............... there are no words to discribe
Swdfsh May 12, 2004
nice work. i like the character and colors a lot. :)
twilight May 15, 2004
again, great work.
bloodydespair May 24, 2004
such a pretty blue! =)
dahl Jul 08, 2004
I love the magical atmosphere of the bg. The colors are magnificent.
Halconen Jul 14, 2004
A truly superb wall! however, just one the first sentence meant to be bought or brought? english is my second language so I dont know if im right or not :/
zefiroN Jul 15, 2004
great wall.. very nice and smooth effects.
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