Looks cool, but maybe it would be better, if the bg had colours and was not b/w
But I like it, hurray for Lan and Rockman XD
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Another RockMan wallpaper and luckly doesnt have a twin. I really felt like showing the partnership between Lan and RockMan and these scans put together really helped that idea. Lan and RockMan always (ALWAYS) get through horrible things together, so i decided to name this one Endgame, which is what they call the final boss fight in each game. The background is supposed to represent the UnderNet, which is a dark, dirty place, which holds the most evil viruses known to man. Usually Lan and Rockman are forced to go into the Undernet (several times might i add >_<) in order to save the world from a Y2K type incident. The white and black shades are to represent the ongoing fight between light and dark...This wallpaper took about 3 hours all together (after noticing some really ugly mistakes i had made) and like 19 layers or so. I used some brushes, although i cant remember where i got them (I REALLY need to sort them out x.x) The scans i found a Planet-MegaMan.com (i think thats the name...) which is one of the best sites ever for RockMan. I think i might submit this wall there also... Yeah...So, i hope you all enjoy it! Comment are appreciated.
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chibi-kyo Feb 13, 2005
meteorcloud Feb 13, 2005
nice wall =)
the wall got some freaky things on the back xD~!!!!
hmz...but I think the scan is too big +_+......just for me >_>
nice job XD~!!!!!
keep the works =) -
bucket-shot Feb 13, 2005
Ee~ nice one. XD Contrary to chibi`kyo, I actually like the fact that the bg is black and white. :) If it were colour, the wall would be too overwhelming. Since the main figure is very large. XD And very bright.
The only thing I'd recommend is.. the background seems to be in greyscale - by that I mean.. using every grey. XD But the figures are in cel-style, with only two shades per colour. Red. Shadowed-red. So.. it makes the bg look more detailed than the fore. ^_^' If you can, reduce the amount of greys used..? *hopes this makes sense*
Aaanyways! XD Solid work. Nice to see some thought behind the wall, too.
Celessa Retired Moderator Feb 13, 2005
Pretty neat wallpaper - I have to say, Vivid-Rein.
Ahh - the two essential basic elements - black and white. Don't see those quite often, actually. But I'll have to agree, it looks simplistic and nice, and that's a plus when designing wallpapers. You did a good job overall - and I like the layout. Keep up the nice work.
Keough Feb 13, 2005
Hiya Vivid OX. OWWW i luv ur walls all Capcom'ish, i most say i'm luvin this Lan one too. Not to mention ur X's one too.
nekosasu Mar 05, 2005
hum hum
well Rockman is quite of an unknown series to me lol
well yea... what can I say about this wall... it's quite clean, there are no imperfections, good ;)
a higher resolution might have been better imo ^^; but that's only me, as always
anyways, thanks for your hard work vivid, keep it up ;) cya in 5 seconds on IRC lol -
sword Mar 23, 2005
background would be a LOT better if u tried to overlay / hue with a gradiant to spice up the colors.
garnet4david May 20, 2005
Hiya Vivid . This is a great omake u know, can u make megaman x8 wallpaper, i luv megaman thx 4 sharing with us
brigandinez Dec 15, 2010
It's look good, and have better artwork too.
thank's, keep moving forward !
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