
Cardcaptor Sakura Wallpaper: Angel of Peace & War

CLAMP, Madhouse, Cardcaptor Sakura Wallpaper
CLAMP Mangaka Madhouse Studio Cardcaptor Sakura Series

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This is my latest wall.
Programs used to create this wall were:
Flaming Pearl-Lunar Cell
Auto Fx-Dream Suite
PhotoShop CS
And also a few tutorials.
It took me awhile to finish this wall I kept adding things and changing stuff.
I hope you like it .
I would also like to thank the people who took the time to comment on my last wall (On My Wedding Day) & also thanks for the favs I really appreciated.
C you soon.

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  1. peachiemint Feb 11, 2005

    interesting... total randomness, well not completely. da mirroring effect and the galactic bg is pretty kool. good work. keep it up =^^=

  2. Aurie Feb 11, 2005

    nice picture. but i have seen a character like this. maybe you add another character. i mean the one is good. but the another one isn't good seems like mirror effect. but that's nice great job. keep it on

  3. sisko Feb 11, 2005

    :) :D XD :nya:
    Hey Aztec!!
    Thanks for sharing a wonderful work, I like very much....
    I love the angels....
    see you later....
    SISKO......... :) :D XD :nya:

  4. Sandra Feb 11, 2005

    It's preety good but if i can i want to say that u should change planets a little ! Sky and efefcts on it are great and angels too ! But planets don't fit at all...Still my fav ;)

  5. Keitaro08 Feb 11, 2005

    I like this CCSakura scan (Have 2 or 3 wallies with it ^_^' )... Your wallie might be "too much" at the first gaze, but finally, it's nice, U did a great job ;)

    *add to fav*

  6. FALH Feb 11, 2005

    look so good really good idear with an angel and a devil...
    very beautiful effect
    very like it so add to fav ^^

  7. tiantito Feb 12, 2005

    interesting very well done
    i like what you made here
    though the colors [i dont know what to say its just that they dont maych]
    the idea is really good is just the colors that you know....
    nice job

  8. irix Feb 14, 2005

    iteresting concept, but you also have to change too, the color of the demon of blue to red or another dark color!!! ^^

  9. angeloflove Feb 15, 2005

    that's cool, who is she though? +fav very nice, i always wanted 2 see such pic

  10. syeung321 Feb 23, 2006

    wow this is cool! i like the mirroring effect too coz it makes this pic very unique

  11. shindouhikaru Sep 30, 2006

    Wow... another cool ones. I like the theme of the wallpaper, and how you make it look so great. It is one of the very well done wallpaper. The color does match, cause you want to show the bad and the good. Everything is just fits in together nicely. Keep up the good work.


    *added to fav*

  12. shaka4 Dec 14, 2009

    The Wallpaper of Card Captor Sakura is really a Excelent Wallpaper

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