This one is awsome...
The coloring is so much more defined in this one Nate.
Very very nice.
This is just another version of the wall I put up earlier. I deleted the grass I added, used a blur on the background, along with a "paint daubs" filter on one of the bg layers, messed around with Ken's blend (adding his shadow to the grass, and a few other things here and there), and colored a few things differently, and I ended up with a different version of my wall.
Hope you guys like it!
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This one is awsome...
The coloring is so much more defined in this one Nate.
Very very nice.
This one more realistic than the other version ^^ maybe next time you can add some birds, trees or flowers so the bg wouldn't look too empty. But overall, good job!
Cool I like it.
Like the blurry background. The style fits really well with the caracter's texture.
I don't think it's too empty, it's just simple and nice like that.
It takes the attention on this beautiful caracter.
this really looks more realistic than the other version~ maybe because the grass looks more correct with the background
realy cute wallpaper the background is so beautiful :) Keep up the great work!
Lovely wallpaper of Ken. I like the wallpaper. Thank you for sharing
Wow! I really like it. Thank you for sharing
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