Huh! I ike it! I just lovethe background! It looks like she is fading into the background... Other thn that it sems pretty drab. U need to spruce it up a little!
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I hope this is in the right category, This is wallpaper featuring Miyu Sawaii, actress of Sailor Moon from the Live Action series. The image was gotten from under photobooks. I had an old wallpaper I was working on awhile ago that didn't seem just right and so I decided to fix it. I tweaked this and that, added a few layers and then saw this pic of Miyu and thought it would be perfect. Tell me what you think, because I would really like to improve!
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ericcarson Feb 02, 2005
Kiako Feb 02, 2005
i like the colors in the background but the girl looks like she is about to become one with the background
deedeezel Oct 30, 2006
focus on showing the girl more...
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