
Pita Ten Wallpaper: keep me safe ver.2

Koge Donbo, Pita Ten, Shia, Misha (Pita Ten) Wallpaper
Koge Donbo Mangaka Pita Ten Series Shia Character Misha (Pita Ten) Character

1280x960 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

hey hey hey all those MT people~~~!!! >.<
tee hee~~~
i finally submitted something~~!!! YAY!!!!!
anyway...i know its not fabulous...but at least its something...
i thought that the earlier version of this wall was incomplete~~
plus it was kinda a test run....so i tried to improve it.....
hope people like it~~~~~~!!!!! ^^
wub wub wub woundie~~~~

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  1. shinorei Jan 27, 2005

    Mm..I'm the first one!! Hehe..not bad for a wallie..very peaceful and bright.^__^ I love it!

  2. Mistress Jan 27, 2005

    very nice wall ^____________^
    i love the bg effects and feathers ^^
    good job! ^_~

  3. Aa-chan Jan 27, 2005

    Yea, the background looks cool and the feathers are yummy. It's blue aswell which is great ^__^ .
    Good job :3 .

  4. Midori-chan Jan 27, 2005

    wow! cool wall!
    the effects on the bg is great!
    awesome wall!
    gotta add it to my favs!

  5. FALH Jan 27, 2005

    very beautiful
    i prefer the v2,the v2.5 have to much light effect
    the bg effect were very great

  6. ejwcobra Jan 27, 2005

    woundie! haven't talked to you for a while, the wallpaper looks really good. but i think i like v2.5 better because this one is darker. the other one seems to have more hope, if you know what i mean. well, don't be a stranger! ;)

  7. StarCentury Jan 27, 2005

    Insane effects, woundie! ^_^' The feathers relly give a wonder depth on the BG and the abstract design are great! Instanf favorite! XD

  8. zaira Jan 27, 2005

    hey! this much better than the first one!! i like the bg! and feathers really show thier color!
    nice! i like it very much! but do ya hav smaller size of it?
    but anyway! great job!
    +fav! XD

  9. Septillion Jan 28, 2005

    ^_^ hehe nice improvement on the original version :D hahaha i guess you never found that bridge huh? XD the cutting out on this one isn't that clean but i can see that it's not a very easy one to extract.

  10. Clover Jan 28, 2005

    i like this version much more than 2.5 couse you can see the charakters better.
    Its a great work, keep it up

  11. shirahana Jan 29, 2005

    A lot darker than the other one ^^; But you still have so many sparkles... And because of the sparkles, it would make sense for it to be bright. Personally, I prefer version 1 better ^^;

  12. wonjin Banned Member Jan 30, 2005

    Yeah! I LOVE!
    This is good work..it is very reverie. The colour fix well.. like it.
    +FAV 4 u!

  13. Monse_Jaganshi Feb 03, 2005

    cuute =^_^= i love your wallpaper... the feather wings and the bubble..... inside with the girls ....

  14. chatvarin Jun 08, 2005

    Even though the image is more naughty than the title implies, it is very nicely executed. I think the text i sbetter off not (partly) hidden behind anything though.

  15. fallennova Jul 06, 2005

    omg those bubbles with feathers is so amsome! it's like shes saying "join me in the dark side little angel" tee hee hee heee :D

  16. LacusFan Aug 04, 2005

    So Cute!

  17. aoitenshi18 Sep 04, 2005

    ok got here from ur other amazing wallpprs! this ones so kawaii... ^_________^

  18. strawberrt Sep 11, 2005

    LOVE this wallie! It looks awesome!! love the feathers and bubble effects. i like everything about this wall! ^^ Wonderful job, one of my favourite walllpapers that isnt from Gundam seed/destiny!! :P

  19. Yurichan Dec 02, 2005

    omfg thats soo cool :P

  20. Zefie Dec 18, 2005

    wonderful looking background :) looks very magical with all that glimmer and shining bubbles. black feathers are nice detail and gives nice touch to wall. nice scan from pita ten fits well with the blue coloured gb. good work and thank you for sharing !

  21. vitaanimax Jul 07, 2010

    umm.... i like your wall

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