
Rozen Maiden Wallpaper: --- CHAINS OF JUSTICE ---

Peach-Pit, Studio Nomad, Rozen Maiden, Suigintou Wallpaper
Peach-Pit Mangaka Studio Nomad Studio Rozen Maiden Series Suigintou Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Well I hope you like this work. Really took me lot of time to extract the character.
I hope I did it well, he,he...
I put this name in the wall because I like it but the original name was " East Side "...

She is so inoccent or not...
But beware!!!...
You better get out of her way if you dont want to loose your head, he,he...

Thanks Revan for this great scan...

You can find this great scan in Revan gallery...
Location of the scan:http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/64340/
Under Rozen.Maiden Category...

Sorry no more resulutions of this wall...

Thanks for all your comments in my previous works, specially in " Hope For A Maid "
Verry apreciate it...


The scan used in this wallpaper is not mine.
The scan used in this wallpaper is copyright of respective authors...

Thanks!!. See ya!!!.

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  1. Kitaan Retired Moderator Jan 26, 2005

    very beautiful Alphie ^__^ I love the bg
    and the girl from Rozen Maiden is very pretty and a
    great choice very beautiful as always =^_^=
    nice job Alphie *hugs* >^_^<

  2. levezzali Jan 26, 2005

    It's indeed a good one, a very interesting point of view, and the Bg is also really nice! congrats, great scan!

  3. NikaNeko Jan 26, 2005

    Oooh wow,Great wallpaper:3
    I love it!Especially the scan.
    The scan is soo pretty and also the bg.
    Going into my Fav:D

  4. saori-chan Jan 27, 2005

    Hello Alpha! I love this wallpaper! The dark feel of the wallpaper is so encapturing... I like scenes like this. Your other wallpapers are really cool too. Keep up the great work!! XD

  5. kissifur Jan 27, 2005

    It's very cool. In my opinion, this excelent scan !!
    Very good job!

  6. Revan Retired Moderator Jan 27, 2005

    Wow o_0 I did not believe that this could be made from the scan... its just amazing. I love the fact that you were able to keep the vibe that it had... even better... I guess we all ought to be careful with her OX
    You have always made great scenes through your walls and this is no exception, great job my friend... she will bring the chains of justice indeed!!!

  7. KittyCyn Jan 27, 2005

    hey!!! Hi! WHAT AN awesome wall!!! Oh my gosh! o_0 Lovely, the scan fits perfect with the BG! Colors and all stuff are amazing!! ;)
    Definitively a +FAV*****
    Thanks a lot for sharing your Gr8 works!

    HUggles* OX

  8. Daemonarch Jan 27, 2005

    This wall looks vrey goos , fits with the background, it s looks gothic and romantic, this scan will like to all the people, rozen maiden is a good series , keep doing that.

  9. crimson-blue Jan 27, 2005

    wow so cool ^^ + fav
    so much dark , i like that and if i not wrong that suigin tou , right?
    very cute in there ^^ with lonely expression ^^
    anyway, thx for share and good work ^^

  10. LucyXlostangelwings Jan 27, 2005

    this wall gives a sense of fright with its very authentis look.
    it's a magnificent creation!!
    a gorgeouse piece of work!

  11. chingetscook Jan 27, 2005

    Very nice wall, unfortunately I can't use it for my main computer because of the resolution, but I will definitely keep it for my server monitor thanks. =) Great job extracting that scan, looks like quite a workout. The background is way cool too, especially the area around the moon with the way the branches blend in.

  12. Sira Jan 27, 2005

    That image so father, is as a just angel that punishes the culprits, that face, look, the sword in the hand willing to kill, with the full moon he gives him an effect so that of but fear. It is stupendous the image

  13. Aztec Jan 27, 2005

    Man all give you a 1o plus just for the extraction.
    Very beautiful wallpaper Alpha.

  14. superdice Jan 27, 2005

    Now this is what i call a anime wallpaper, it is absolutely beautiful.
    well done well done you have done a great job Alpha.

  15. hikago Jan 27, 2005

    :O wow! More Rozen Maiden, I've been seeing alot of it lately @_@ I guess I should hurry up and watch it soon @_@
    Anyways.... Great wall!!!!!! Your bgs are always so realistic :D It looks great with the girl and her black wings XDXDXD
    The wall is so awesome!!!! Adding to faves ^^;

  16. animeblackrose Jan 27, 2005

    i lve this pick. You have the masters touch. What can i say atrue artist. Everthing in this pick is perfect, well worth the time. :D :D :D :D

  17. narutofan92 Jan 27, 2005

    wow. that's really amazingly done. I'm luvin how ya put in the bg and made her seem like gigantic. XD She does look innocent....but yea i wouldn't even dare touch her. lol. welll >.>;; depends whatcha means by touch. XD But it's great wall it's lookin really realistic or at least the bg. Keep up yur great work

  18. euna Retired Moderator Jan 27, 2005

    wow.... i c what you mean by taking a long time to extract ^___^
    it's great! although i do see a couple of jagged bits in the wings.. you can hardly see it XD
    great composition.. looks great.. luv the bg in particular..
    quite beautiful ^___^
    really nice wallie...

  19. Pisces Jan 27, 2005

    Nice CG! great effect & color . Good work ^ ^

  20. zaira Jan 27, 2005

    woohoo!!! wow a rozen maiden wall! nice!!!! this one is great ilike the scan!! goes as well to the bg!!!! great job!!!! i like it!!
    +fav! XD

  21. cygnus Jan 27, 2005

    I always love this character from Rozen Maiden, and you've made a perfect bg for her, so it turned out stunning ^^

  22. Kiako Jan 27, 2005

    the wallapper looks great like the girl her hair and her wings and the background souits her the colors and everything
    keep it up

  23. Danael Jan 27, 2005

    What can I say. The wallpaper is great. The point of view of the observer is so good because it empowers the girl, makes her seem taller and stronger. There is some minor texturing in the clothes and dark hair (wings?) of the girl, but it actually gives a "used" effect so it looks actually quite fitting.
    I don;t know if you noticed this but the moon has been placed in front of the tree branches! Even though branches do tend to get lighter when seen against the moon I think in this case they seem to be growing behind it!
    Very good use of a blue palette to add some overtones so as to give a sensation of deep midnight. Good work

  24. Larghaz Jan 27, 2005

    It's just great when the foreground subject and the background blend so perfectly well. Great wallpaper.

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