
Wandaba Style: Wandaba Style Singers 2

Goto-P, Wandaba Style, Yuri Fuyude, Himawari Natsuwa, Sakura Haruno (Wandaba Style)
Goto-P Mangaka Wandaba Style Series Yuri Fuyude Character Himawari Natsuwa Character Sakura Haruno (Wandaba Style) Character


This is the second half of a double page spread [why am I doing it first? -_-] as my scanner isn't able to do it all at once. Once again, comes from the Newtype magazine I bought earlier. I think it's a nice shot and someone could easily make it into a snazzy wall if they so wished ^^ .

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  1. calisqo Jan 27, 2005

    nice scan ^^.
    like the color , great work on finding this and thanks for scanning^^

  2. weiss17nz Jan 27, 2005

    cool scan,....
    yeah,.. i muz say da thin calisqo say,... da colour is v.nice
    da pic is v.eye catchin, it looks even betta when u zoom at it,... no wonder so much people d/lin this,...

  3. Xion3 Jan 30, 2005

    Awesome scan, Aa-chan. It's very cute...they look like two sisters. Anyway, this is one for the favourites.

  4. fedcba Feb 01, 2005

    Interesting scan...though they have teenager's bodies, but child-like aspect to them.

  5. catgirlazumi Feb 02, 2005

    Ohhh Very very nice

  6. Keitaro08 Feb 11, 2005

    Cool scan, I think I'll make nice avs with it

    Thx for scanning & sharing ;) !

  7. JyeBlade1 Feb 20, 2005

    Nice scan. I like it. No, I really like it. Hmmm, that does not sound quite right. I really love it. Really. I'm adding it to my favorites.

  8. cowgirlbebop413 Feb 21, 2005

    i love the colors on the scan , i dunnno what so say sept that i realy love it

  9. onimakura Apr 01, 2005

    that rocks, that is really cool

  10. riku-chan May 15, 2005

    Oh.. I loved this issue of Newtype! It had so many nice features on Studio Ghibli and stuff. >.< *huggles copy* Do you think its possible to scan the full four-page poster though? XD That one was really pretty too!

  11. Bam64 May 23, 2005

    realy cool wallpaper i realy like the colors and the kids look so happy.

  12. Sailormnemosyne Restricted Member Aug 16, 2005

    That's coool!!!! from which anime does this come from???? I've never seen it before!!!

  13. Celiona Nov 08, 2005

    I like the look of surprise -- an exciting and happy surprise -- on the two girls' faces. Cool. Thanks for sharing.

  14. ngotaudixemay Dec 26, 2009

    Nice scan!
    Thanks for sharing!

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