hehehe, more Vampire Hunter D eh? =D
*enlarges* ohh, nice nice scene... very well brought out, and works well with the character, I guess you were trying to
do rain, maybe needs some work on that, but everything else looks fantastic :)
Artist Comment
I was trying to do something completely different (a bright picture reminiscent of the end of the movie), but the colors went wrong so I had to try to do something to save the scene, and I learned a few things from making this one. Hopefully a few people will like it.
Reminds me of why I used to like oil painting. You can always muck around if things go really off. Of course it helps if your background is a post nuclear holocaust apocalyptic nightmare anime.
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Devilet Jan 26, 2005
jingjing1208 Jan 26, 2005
Hey,this is so cool!!!Actually the Vampire Hunter D's things are almost cool!!!!
This is so dark!!But nice one!!!!+fav!^^ -
charaznableamurorei Jan 26, 2005
Hey, rknight1 actually made it, a D wall with a castle/fortress in the BG! The effects on the sword (blurry, like it's emitting an aura of its own) is a great touch. What are those ghostly figures rising up from the castle? And no, I like the scenario you're trying to catch here better than the end scene in the OVA. (hmm, what music would be appropriate for this scene.... 'will try to think of something). Thanks for making this wall, friend.
irix Jan 26, 2005
you can also put another types of light effects to develop into the grunge concept, and you can also have to learn how to do misty fog for a best performance... nice wall! [strange in some parts , but good! ^^]
Nayako Jan 28, 2005
Another v.h.d wallie form u!!! XD It seems u like the movie very much ;)
Nice wallie - great effects and over all is very good XD -
fao Jan 29, 2005
Thanks for your nice wallpaper.
D looks so cool~^_^
walkure245 Jan 29, 2005
Dark~ Me likies. I love the rainy effects you used. Vampire D fits well into the bg and ghost-like castle is so perfect for the bg. I have to fav~ ^_^
thamara Mute Member Mar 09, 2005
its realy nice
thank you
oh, its open large, i am realy happy
thank you -
Id-Weltall Apr 13, 2005
this is amazing. the background is awesome. it makes me feel eerie. the castle was a good scene to add.
InSaNiTyRuLz Jun 11, 2005
Nice wallpaper of Vampire Hunter D. This goes straight into my favourites. :)
Thanks for sharing! -
Ultra-Violet Jul 30, 2005
Yet another gorgeous Vampire Hunter D wallpaper artwork! Excellent special FX and gorgeous dark colours make this an exceptional piece even if the colour did go wrong. Absolutely beautiful! :)
necsipaal Apr 07, 2006
Nice one, I like the rain effect and the smoke on the sword.
ASLERMOLE Jan 21, 2007
Vampire Hunter D is like Van Helsing, but with an anime touch. Top 10 way up! =D
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