Nice wallie. I like the background. it suits the girl perfectly. well excellent artwork I admit I like it. 2 thumbs up 4 this wall
Artist Comment
This is my first attempt to make a wallpaper. The image came from
I need help in this wall, its kinda blurred because of the jagged edges of the wings.. Pls give suggestions to help me
avoid this mistakes again.. ^^ Thank You!!
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Balljacker Jan 21, 2005
chimpchimpchimp Jan 21, 2005
Hmmm, is the centre of the theme the phoenix or the girl? I feel that the feathers are quite overpowering...but its a nice wallie though, cool choice of colour!
meteorcloud Jan 21, 2005
well a nice wallpaper =) a great one for the first time =)
well the wings....isn't a prob......mayB you can use an outer glow effect=)
uhm...the scan isn't sharp and clear could be fixed the next time....
the concept is nice ^^ and those feather and signs brushes are nice ^^ but....mayB some cool effect could make the background better =)
keep practising ^^ !!!!!
noce job =) -
charaznableamurorei Jan 22, 2005
Tech. commentary: agrees with meteorcloud & chimpchimpchimp. The star effects (?) probably need to be soften up (?)... haha, sorry, friend, it is obvious that I lack the necessary skills in order to conduct a more verbose technical commentary... but I am wondering about the various glyphs/signs that you put in the BG, floating around. They seem... familiar. Could you care to tell a story about them? Anyway, keep at it.
kiri-chan Jan 22, 2005
The composition of this wallpaper of this is nice. The red color you used really brings the whole wall together. However, the character could be cleaner (it's a bit blurry), the feathers should be resized smaller, and you don't need those random swirly designs stamped everywhere. I think it's a great start for a first wallpaper :)
moonlightdreamer Sep 13, 2006
This is a nice theamed wallpaper and is really well put together.
fenix89 Jun 21, 2009
Thank you for sharing
tooya0 Feb 13, 2011
Suzaku *_*
Beautiful work
=** -
sabby220822 Nov 13, 2011
thankss so much! i love this!
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