
MegaMan Wallpaper: Zero of Megaman

Capcom, MegaMan Wallpaper
Capcom Studio MegaMan Series,Game

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Zero from rockman or megaman, hope they got more capcom scans!! :)

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  1. kyoobi Jan 19, 2005

    wow! never seen this one before! really cool! I like the stylized bg, it suits him. a lil blue tho. make it red, that's zero's colour! ^^

  2. runemaster Jan 19, 2005

    Zero, my favourite character to use in Megaman series. Very nice wallpaper.

  3. nujnaw Jan 19, 2005

    i like his pose....

    the background suits him.....

    <however, the pixels are rather lage for the background, though..... or was it done intentionally??>

    anyway...... great effort... :D

  4. StarCentury Jan 19, 2005

    Awesome Zero wallpaper! It looks even better than my Zero wallpaper! ^^; I like how you put different expressions of Zero on th right side! The BG looks very hardcore at it's best! Great work, haldir! ^^V

  5. levezzali Jan 19, 2005

    Hmmm. that's great! : ) I made a drawing once using this character, not this pose, another one, as reference, and I really wanted to play that game, Megaman Rox! Anywau, the color of zero is a little faded out compared to the other small pics, but anyway, that's a really good WP, I, sure, already donwloaded it! ^^

  6. vfan Jan 21, 2005

    This one looks very cool! very awesome looking, I like the windows with zero in it too... nice work!

  7. Shovah Jan 23, 2005

    Megaman is great but Zero is really cool.
    thnaks for sharing this great wallpaper.

  8. fosgod Banned Member Feb 10, 2005

    But when it gets late, the monsters from the game come out to party! Not having much luck, they decide to take in the sites of the carnival,

  9. DoaHitomiFan Feb 15, 2005

    Nice wallpaper there, I love Megaman/rockman.

    *adding to fav list........*

  10. Sora12200 Mar 30, 2005

    Awesome Zero wallpaper! I love Megaman alot. In fact, the first game i've ever played in my life is Megaman!

  11. garnet4david May 20, 2005

    Zero, my fave character to use in Megaman x series. Very nice wallpaper. U ve got the style

  12. melman Mute Member May 20, 2005

    zzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sweet

  13. nightstar12 Oct 25, 2005

    One of my all time favourite characters, Zero. Totally cool, the background image is so"cyber" like and the way you put them together makes it a great wallpaper Good job!

  14. Shinmei Oct 28, 2005

    this wallpaper is cool
    (sorry...........i don't speak englishXD)

  15. Qtipsnorris May 24, 2010

    The more the serie goes on, the less "robotic" they look... they are starting to make them look like human being... Anyways, good upload! Thanks for the share!

  16. 1bertopedra13 Jul 15, 2010

    awesome wallpaper keet it up

  17. bugmealittle Sep 07, 2010

    I want to download this... so I will

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